Birth Story - Nicola and baby Rosie
‘My baby will come when my baby is ready’. This was so true for our daughter Rosie.
Thursday 7th June I was booked in to start the induction process at 41+5 (Term+12). We arrived at the Hospital at 11:30am and although the machine was saying I was having mild contractions (must have been my body preparing having entered the hospital) I still went ahead and the pessary was inserted at 3pm.
By 7pm nothing had happened and I asked to go home, this was granted given I lived so close to the hospital and having had no complications during my pregnancy.
My husband and I settled down at home that evening and we watched ‘The Greatest Showman’, (I still believe this helped me massively) I had a lovely hot shower and by 10pm I was having strong surges. My husband timed them and they were only a couple of minutes apart. By 11:30pm we were in the hospital being examined and I was told I was 6cm dilated!! I was only on the bed for a matter of minutes whilst they examined me before I then got into the birthing pool.
The pool, gas & air and most importantly the up and down breathing helped me a lot. (I now understand when Siobhan said if you learn nothing else just the breathing) But learning the science behind getting oxygen to the muscles and uterus really helped though as well as the visualisations. When it came to the down breathing, my husband told me to blow ripples in the water, this was a life saver!
At 04:09am weighing a healthy 9lb 3oz, Rosie came into the world and I was so thankful to Siobhan for the digital pack, not only for myself but for my husband as well who was a fantastic birth partner. Thank you also to a friend who recommended Siobhan.
If I could help anyone else who has gone over their ‘due date’, I would recommend relaxing watching a ‘feel good’ film, taking a nice hot shower and most importantly not stressing about being ‘late’.

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