Birth Story - Chloe and baby Wolfie
I'm going to write this now while I'm sailing on cloud 9.
I have just come out of a 19 hour labour (from first surge to birth) and as a first time mum I did it with no pain relief and in my own home in a birth pool.
If you had said to me a year ago that I would be doing this I would have laughed in your face, I can honestly say this is the digital pack and reading all the stories that we were able to make it happen.
It gave me the confidence to stand for what I wanted for my birth, and most importantly the faith in my body that it will get me through, and it DID. I did have a few "I can't do this" moments but it's nothing that I didn't get through with mindful breathing and the support of my amazing partner and midwives (I got through 4 in the time it took).
Hypnobirthing is the way forward or backward?? (technically it's natures most natural way) I will be recommending this course to anyone I hear is pregnant!!
Meet Wolfie J born at 14:07pm

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