Birth story - Mum and baby Pippa

 I wanted to share my positive induction story with you all as I could not have done it without using the digital pack and Freya!

I was due to be induced at 39+4 due to a series of reduced movements. I had been induced with my first which resulted in a very long labour, the drip, epidural, contracting sepsis at 9cm and forceps delivery in theatre. To say the least, I was not looking forward to induction.

I had a sweep two days before and the midwife told me I was in good shape 2cm dilated and she could have broken my waters then if she wanted to which made me feel more positive.

I went in to be induced and they decided to use a pessary however this fell out when I lost my mucus plug... they then opted for the gel which was inserted at 2100hrs... contractions quickly ramped up and I plugged Freya straight into my ears on my headphones... she kept me focused and I felt totally in control. By 2300 Freya was telling me I was in established labour

I told a midwife who said I would have to wait 4 hours to be examined and that I should try and get some sleep... of course I couldn’t sleep as contractions were so intense so I let my husband get some shut eye in the bed and I bounced on the ball with the headphones in listening and focusing on Freya... come 4:30am I told the midwife I felt like I needed to poo and she examined me and I was 6cm and moved to the labour ward.

I kept Freya in the whole time and used gas and air to help focus my breathing.

I then went into what I now know is transition and fell off the wagon slightly... I felt hot and I wasn’t coping well with the pain... I took Freya out and my husband continued counting each contraction for me to keep my breathing.

I took some pethidine at this time and it really relaxed me.

A short while after at 0914hrs and three pushes later I welcome my second gorgeous daughter into the world... Pippa!


I honestly couldn’t have done it without the Freya app! Thank you!!

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