Birth story - Mirambicka and baby Rajshri
On 20th June 2021 I delivered my second baby girl through vacuum suction assisted vaginal birth.
My first was c-section 5 years ago because of cervix failure to dilate or rather doctor didn't wait. It was a traumatic experience as I felt my choices weren't respected.
I bought Siobhan Miller's Hypnobirthing book as well as KG Hypnobirthing and read the book twice when I was in the 20th week of pregnancy. The book gave me extensive awareness and knowledge and explained how to have an empowered and positive birth experience. I started practicing up and down breathing techniques whenever I could. I stayed focused and listened to positive affirmations and gave time for relaxation. I walked and did a bit of Yoga and Pilates as well.
OK here goes my labour story.
The first thing is that I started having contractions at 5.30am on Saturday June19 2021. They were a period like pain especially on my previous scar. This pretty much scared me a bit as I thought I would end up in a uterine rupture. But I used positive gentle birth affirmation audios to prepare my mind and calm down and breathe whenever those period pains restarted. I ate and drank a little but could not stomach much. I tried to rest but could not. My husband helped me to pack up the last minute hospital items. I took a long shower which was a slight relief. I breathed and breathed and coped through it all for 12 hours without going to the hospital. I labored at home till 6.30pm with the period like pain coming at same intensity and same interval.
At 7pm I checked into the labor ward and kept on having the same surges till 10.30pm and was only 3cm dilated. I wore my own gown and set the environment by playing audios and dimming the lights. Then to get things moving they broke my waters and the period like scar pain increased so much in intensity. At 12.40am I became so weak and exhausted I kept fainting in between surges. I tried to keep positive and do the breathing but my body wouldn't cooperate much. The midwives and my birth partner were so supportive and encouraging. They checked me and I was only 4cm dilated and kept having the urge to push. I took gas and air and it made me so sick. Then around 12.45am I made the decision to have an epidural. It was so much relief. I had a small snooze. My husband too rested for a while.
At 2am they checked and I was fully dilated to 10cm and ready to push! From 3am to 5am I tried my level best to push during contractions but then again it wasn't so powerful. The doctors explained that baby was in distress and said they would have to use a suction cup to pull her out. I agreed to the procedure as I myself was worn out and tired.
At 5.23am baby was born. It was the most magical moment of my life.
Though things didn't pan out according to my birth plan of having an unmedicated natural birth I still stood my ground, managed almost 19 hours of labour on my own without interventions and managed to make my birth choices and had a better and empowered birth experience.

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