Birth story - Lucy and baby Lovell

** Trigger warning **- Recurrent miscarriages, epilepsy, high PI

Background information

So, my first child was born at 35 weeks. They told me I wasn’t in labour and I was just having Braxton Hicks (hah!). I was sent home. I ended up back in hospital that night and delivered my baby. It wasn’t traumatic, but I didn’t feel in control of my birth, and I wanted things to be different second time around. so, enter hypnobirthing...

For your information

I have epilepsy but haven’t had a seizure for 8 years. I have been monitored closely in both pregnancies due to my medication, and have always been told to have my baby on a labour ward with whatever pain relief I wanted.

This pregnancy

It’s been a rocky 2 years trying for my second baby, with us having 4 recurrent miscarriages before this one stuck. It’s been tough, but I feel blessed to be able to tell my story. I always wanted a pool birth but felt like I was always battling consultants because of my epilepsy, although all the midwives said they’d happily deliver my baby in a birthing unit in a pool because I’d already given birth before and all was fine. So, in the end, after using my B.R.A.I.N, I decided to have a home birth where I could control what I wanted. I had the best assigned midwife (she was the home birth lead - it just was meant to be!) who supported and empowered me constantly. My pregnancy was pretty smooth until around 32 weeks they said my PI level was higher than normal. Everything else was perfect, so they kept an eye on it. It still remained high and said they would induce me at 41 weeks if he hadn’t arrived by then. Luckily, at 39+1, he decided to make his appearance.

Labour / Birth

At 2am, on Sunday 2nd May, my surges started. They came every 15-20 minutes, and all in my back. By 4am, I decided to go downstairs and have a cuppa and some biscuits while watching The Crown. After that, I tried to get some sleep as I felt pretty tired and knew what was going to come later. My nap lasted all of 10 minutes before my 3 year old came down and woke me up lol. I continued to lay down with him for a bit, before deciding to shower and get into some comfy clothes. I then listened to music and danced between surges, while my partner and son set up the house and pool. By 12 noon, my parents came over and this is when the surges intensified. I used up breathing and back rubbing until the midwives came around 2/3pm. I got in the pool when they arrived which felt so relieving. This is when my body took over and I started to push involuntary. My midwife was amazing. She had my 3 year old in her lap and asked him to keep giving me my water. He was my rock and was wowed by it all. At 4.12pm, Lovell was born in the pool, surrounded by my closest family (within my support bubble don’t worry!).


I had gotten the birth I wanted. I delivered my placenta on my bed, using the injection (I needed a bit of help getting it out). And the relief I felt when it was out was amazing Lol. I had a small cut inside which didn’t need stitches, but they gave me a couple just to avoid infection (my choice).


It was tough with no pain relief whatsoever, but I am so glad I listened to my intuition and went for the birth I wanted. Without hypnobirthing, I don’t think I could have made these choices. I will be forever grateful for that. My baby. My body. My choice.

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