Birth story - Lizzie and baby Olivia
First time around I didn’t read anything about labour and went for winging it - what a mistake! I birthed my first on my back with 10+ people in the room and screamed a lot at the poor midwives. I was determined to change my experience with my second.
Your online course was amazing! It was easy to follow and very informative. It changed my mindset.
We were 2 weeks “overdue” so we had been going to the hospital for daily monitoring and scans. The doctors and midwives were wonderful but tried to scare us into being induced even though I was 10 days late with my first and we were very low risk. The scan came back saying Olivia was roughly 10lb 3oz which made the doctors concerned. We finally gave in and said we would have one on Saturday if she still hadn’t arrived.
Thankfully I started with mild surges Thursday morning which got stronger throughout the day. At dinner time I downloaded your Freya app to see if I could time them and they were about 15 minutes apart. We popped our little girl to bed like normal and checked again. They were about 5 minutes apart now and a lot stronger so I started to breathe through them, in for 4 out for 8. We rang the hospital who were happy to check us over. By 10 o’clock the midwife had made the room setting calm with low lighting and fairy lights so I popped my music on, used the tens machine and carried on walking. The surges intensified so at 12.45am I got into the pool. Olivia was born at 1.51am with minimal gas and air for the final few pushes. She had her initial shout then fell asleep on me in the pool and has been calm since.
What an amazing experience ! And it’s all thanks to you for teaching me what to expect and how to deal with it more positively. Thank you SO much.
The work you are doing is absolutely wonderful.

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