Birth story - Lexi and baby Bobby

I was told early on in my pregnancy I would have to have regular growth scans due to my BMI and as I approached 32 weeks I had my first and everything was fine and baby was following the centile. I had my second one two weeks later at 34 weeks and although baby had grown he was no longer following the centile and I was referred for a further scan at 36 weeks, after this third scan it was evident that my baby was a small baby but apart from that perfectly healthy but as I was nearing the end of the pregnancy I was advised that it would be a good idea to be induced and get baby out. I had had my show that morning so I agreed.

Two days later, at 37 weeks, I was induced and only required two pessaries to soften my cervix enough to have my waters broken. However, there was a very long wait to be transferred to the labour ward and after two days in hospital with nothing really happening I made the informed decision “against medical advice” to go home until there was a bed on the labour ward. I agreed to have daily CTG monitoring for half an hour each day. The next day I went for my daily monitoring and was offered a sweep to see if we could get things going. I accepted and asked if there was any room on the labour ward yet. I was told no and that there was still a wait and it probably wouldn’t be today. Fast forward to 8pm that night I was tucked up cosy in bed and I got the phone call it was time to meet my baby! I felt all kind of emotions and was overwhelmed but used my affirmations to keep me calm.

I arrived at the labour ward around 9pm and was greeted by my lovely midwife, I was placed on the drip to get my contractions going and I was using my up breathing to keep calm. Once the drip was up the contractions came thick and fast and I was soon on 4 in every 10. I was using my breathing techniques and gas and air to get through them.

At around 7am I felt I needed something stronger and I now realise I was so close to meeting my baby as I remember thinking I couldn’t do it for much longer. I was given remifentanil but only used the clicker once as the midwife was concerned about my baby’s heart rate. I had a VE and was only 4cm so I was taken to theatre for a section.

Once in theatre baby’s heart rate stabilised and the doctors agreed to give me five minutes to gather myself before going ahead. I was sat up and ready to have my spinal block but the change in position worked wonders for me as I had a very strong urge to push. As I had had the clip on baby to monitor him I hadn’t been able to move around prior to this so the doctor checked me again and I was now 8cm and after two more contractions I was fully dilated. After only 7 minutes of pushing Bobby was born in theatre and he came out superman style with his hand against his face weighing 5lb 1.5


Due to the fact they were worried about him I sadly didn’t get to have delayed cord clamping or skin to skin straight away but at no point throughout my labour did I feel scared or out of control thanks to hypnobirthing. Even now I feel like a completely different woman and I’m so thankful for my body and it’s ability to grow and birth a healthy baby.

I learnt so many things about myself during pregnancy and labour I was honestly terrified of birth and having a cannula fitted until I practiced hypnobirthing and I can honestly say I would do it all again tomorrow, safe in the knowledge that it is my body, my baby and my birth. I will never be afraid to challenge medical advice if I don’t feel it is right for me.

You got this mama !💙

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