Birth story - Georgie and baby Evelyn

*Triggers (but I promise very positive!)
Previous 3rd degree tear, 2nd degree tear, use of word contraction, previous late pregnancy loss (mentioned at the beginning). 💕

This is a long one, I’ve shortened previous history!

(Feel free to skip to the big day part - labelled BEST DAY EVER!)

In 2015 we lost our first daughter Evie due to Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (pprom) at 21 weeks. In 2017 we had our daughter Orla in hospital with an epidural and I had a 3rd degree tear. Both of my girls were delivered by my midwife Amy whom I met when pregnant with Evie who then became the most incredible friend ever!

This time around we found out we were having another girl at our 20 week scan, everything looked well with a good amount of water and we were super excited to meet another daughter! Due to my previous tear my consultant recommended I had a C-section, I was really against this as my recovery had been so super and after speaking with Amy she supported me in delivering naturally again, however the consultant had said I would need to get out of the pool for a hands on delivery. I thought I had put all of the “could happen” issues to the back of my mind and I was confident I wanted to deliver baby. Then suddenly at 34 weeks the thought of giving birth again petrified me, I was having sleepless nights and lay awake crying with crazy thoughts about how this labour might go and if I had an epidural again I wouldn’t be able to come straight home for Orla etc.

I spoke with Amy about all of my worries and concerns and about whether I should just have the caesarean as my main concern was not being able to cope with the contractions and having an epidural again. Amy had recently been to a homebirth where the lady had used the PBC online digital pack and she recommended it. Next thing I knew Amy sent me my log in details and had purchased the pack for me as a present - this has been the most life changing and amazing gift EVER!

I watched all of Siobhan’s videos with my husband dipping in and out of some and I started to prepare what I needed to set my environment up, I went to bed listening to the Freya app and instantly found myself using my up breathing whenever baby got a little bit uncomfortable or when I needed to relax, I spent time with Orla watching lots of positive birth videos (Orla says the mummies just wobble the babies out! 🥰) and reading all of the amazing stories on this page and by 40 weeks I was now feeling excited to go into labour and meet my baby!

At 40 weeks my midwife sent me to the hospital for reduced movements and told me I would have to be induced, if this had been my previous pregnancy I would have been induced there and then and not had this experience. Thank goodness for the BRAIN teaching! Evelyn was due on the 10th and I asked everyone to stop harassing us about her arrival, she was due from the 10th and she knew when she was ready to arrive. I posted a positive affirmation on my Instagram story each day and really enjoyed each day leading up to Evelyn’s arrival!

BEST DAY EVER! 16.06.2020
On the evening of the 15th I started getting what felt like a nerve pain at the front of my thighs, I went to bed and thought nothing of it and at 8.30am on the 16th I knew my contractions had started, my mum was very excited that finally, during the lockdown, she was going to see Orla and she came to our house to collect Orla so we could set things up at home, as I knew I wanted to stay at home as long as possible.

I set up some candles, my diffuser with lavender oil and clary sage oil, and decided I would start off on my ball a little bit whilst making sure I stayed upright forward and open! I called Amy and let her know that baby was hoping to make an appearance. Amy was on annual leave and came over to join us, we had the Freya app playing through the echo and all I wanted to listen to was the positive affirmations whilst using the app to talk me through the surges and time them. We had such a fabulous morning with Amy who just filled me with confidence and reassurance, we spoke about all of the little bits that made us laugh during Orla’s arrival and her 3 years of wild life. My husband kept the lunch and snacks coming and we watched a couple of Siobhan’s YouTube videos. With every surge intensifying I just focused on the Freya app and particularly the affirmation “each surge brings me closer to meeting my baby” I think it was really at this point that I started to feel super confident and had full trust in my ability to birth my baby safely and calmly.

At 2.30pm after just using my breathing I decided I wanted to put the tens machine on and this was AMAZING! I used the boost button on each surge whilst still listening to Freya and at 3pm decided I was ready to go to the birth unit. Amy called ahead and they had said she could come in to deliver for us - (3 daughters all delivered by Amy!) the drive to the hospital takes about 25 minutes, I kept my tens machine on and put on my wireless headphones and played the Freya app the whole way to the hospital I still felt super chilled and really in control. When I got to the hospital there was a security guard at the entrance to give masks etc, he kept trying to talk to me but I was so in the zone and having such regular surges I refused to let this break my focus and just explained that I couldn’t hear him he would need to ask my husband any questions - he was really lovely and fine about this and I made my way up the stairs to the birth centre leaving my husband to follow.

When I got to the door Amy was in scrubs and led me straight into our room (it was beautiful!) she put my diffuser back on and I kept my headphones on still listening to the positive affirmations and asked Amy to now examine me. I knew by this point with Orla I had been begging for an epidural but I was so delighted I was keeping my focus and surges were passing quickly. Amy examined me at about 15.35 and said I was 4cm and for a second I was disappointed, She quickly helped me turn this around and I got straight back up to remain upright I lent on the back of the bed and asked my husband to stand close with me to continue the light touch massage. Within a minute I knew I wanted to get in the pool which was ready for me, I changed my top and bra and got in and it was just wonderful!


As soon as I was submerged the next surge came and I knew I was ready to push, it was at this point of transition that I suddenly doubted whether I could do it. I quickly reminded myself, with the help of Amy, that I had to do it because I was so close to meeting her! I didn’t even consider getting out of the pool for the hands on delivery I knew my position was better this time and I had done so well, the fear of a potential tear couldn’t stop me having my daughter into water, I was guided and encouraged by Amy the whole time to remember my breathing and focus because she was nearly here. I felt her head come out and Amy said, ‘on the next surge her body will come out, you can do this, stay focused,’ and on the next surge her body was out, I looked down into the water and scooped her up into my arms straight onto my chest to cuddle at 16.06!


I will never forget the shock and disbelief that I had given birth to my baby and pulled her up into my arms. I looked at Colin and Amy who were stood with the same amazement and tears on their face and it was incredible, the most amazing and empowering moment of my whole life I feel like it can’t have happened to me! We came home at 8.30pm and enjoyed our first snuggles with both of our daughters 💕

I am still in utter shock that I had a labour with nothing but my own self belief in my ability, a tens machine, and a birthing pool but more importantly my two amazing birth partners. It really is true that your birth partner is by your side and on your side. I did have a 2nd degree tear this time, repaired in the room and I was so oblivious because I was still so shocked my baby was here and I had done it!!

I will never ever forget how empowered, informed and strong this course has made me feel -
I gave birth to my baby in the most incredible way with no fear or anxiety I want to do it all again!

I want to talk about my amazing birth experience everyday for the rest of my life! Thankyou so so so much Positive Birth company you have changed my life and my confidence! 💕

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