Birth story - Leah and baby Eli
*Trigger Warning* - tearing & use of word contraction, cyst.
This is my second baby using the positive birth company and my second homebirth.
When we decided to try for our second we were expecting a good wait as our first had taken us two years to conceiveand my eldest was still breastfeeding at bedtime, and everyone says that it can affect your chances. It took us 2 weeks. This might sound ridiculous but I was completely unprepared, and felt rushed... Daft, I know we planned this... But I was expecting more time π I am super lucky my pregnancy was fairly straight forward.
I struggled with my emotions at times, panicking about the time I had left with my eldest and worrying how I would cope.
I immediately informed my booking in midwife I would be having a home birth as I had previously and loved it... But this time I was determined to get in the pool...! I was very lucky to have the same midwife I had with Asher so felt very much in safe hands.
During my first scan a cyst was found on my right ovary, the consultant said it may go by the 20w scan but would monitor. The second scan came and the cyst was still there, same size and not fluid, we agreed to an extra scan before the baby was born to ensure it would not affect the delivery and after the birth book in for it to be removed.
We had a gender reveal so I could mentally prepare for another boy, sounds selfish but I had dreams I was having a girl and struggled with the very real thought that would now never happen.
30 weeks we got covid π
35 weeks we had our extra scan for the cyst... No change. However this scan put the wheels in motion for a growth scan... Apparently I was having a big baby... 96th percentile...nothing was said by the consultant all systems go.
I got prepared tried to do my breathing practices and hiring the pool and tens machine... All that good stuff.
38weeks a phone call to meet a consultant about my big baby... Didn't advise a homebirth... I explained I had done my research and was still happy to proceed... The consultant on the phone requested another growth scan for 2 days later. These 2 days felt like an eternity and really pushed my stress levels worrying I would have to fight my corner. Luckily my midwife was behind my decision which did help.
We did go, baby percentile had come down to the border of what was "acceptable" our consultant was a different lady and absolutely lovely, she had her 9lb baby at home so was happy for us to continue with our est 8lb 12oz boy.
The last week I had constant braxton hicks.
Then on the 28th in the early hours, they became a consistent pattern. I started my breathing and tried to sleep but excitement and nerves didn't let me. I called the midwifes when Freya told me to at 6am. Only to be told I was 2cm and bit 9am my son woke up, the plan had always been to have him there but I needed him out the house so I could focus. We called my mum who would come at 10 to get him, we put the tens machine on. My midwife called as she had to get me to sign a consent form to say I understood the risks of birthing a big baby. I sat bouncing on my ball while she read each paragraph to me... Stopping for each contraction. My mum came and took Asher... Not realising I was in labour π when the form was read and signed she asked if I wanted checking... I said please and was 4cm and stretchy π€£ she called and informed the delivery suite I was in labour and was happy to continue at home. A little later a second midwife arrived.
I laboured in the living room watching my husband inflate and fill the pool, sharing snacks of strawberries. The tens worked great, and saw me through until 2ish. Then things felt more... I really wanted to get in the pool... It was such relief, weightlessness and excitement of finally achieving my birth dream after missing out last time. a little warmer than needed, which made me a bit sweaty and sick... The panic in my husbands face when I had red sick was hilarious... Strawberries π always remember what snacks you have π I asked for gas and air as I felt the need for a bit of relief. They checked my progress and I was 7cm. I remember rolling my eyes and saying for goodness sake. The midwife called and said we're still a way off yet but making good progress... I was fuming I felt my body was just letting me down... All that effort for 7cm. The next contraction... My body started to push... Midwife 2 said to go with it, midwife 1 was leaving and 3 arriving. Another contraction my waters popped... 2more and the head began to descend... I never felt that with my first, but this one I felt everything. Another 3 and his head was born. The last contraction and he pops out into the water 3:30pm covered in vernix the spit of his brother.
Cryingπ we had the injection for the placenta after having an issue last time I wanted it out ASAP. We had our golden hour and lots of skin on skin. I had a second degree tear which was stitched on our bed (using a new plastic chopping board to give the midwife some stable surface to work on!) Then we ordered a maccys ππ called my mum to bring our big boy back and let all our family and close friends know.
When Asher met Eli it couldn't have gone better... They loved each other instantly. It was amazing to see our 3 year old kiss and say I love you baby brother the minute he met him.
I hope if you've managed to read all my waffle and are considering a homebirth. Plan for one. You can change your mind at any stage. No questions. I had my first on the bedroom floor and second in the living room in a pool. Both were different but both were amazing and we were so looked after.

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