Birth story - Laura and baby Drew

I had been labouring at home for around 2 days with my surges building quickly and strongly, but twice I went to be examined and was still at 2cm so I came back and tried again to labour for as long as possible in the comfort of home- using the up breathing, having baths and eating snacks with my husband. It got to around 7pm on the Wednesday night and I was struggling as the surges had really ramped up and were very close together.

I headed back up to the birth centre ( it’s only 10 mins from our house so was easy to come back and forth)
The car journey was hard with 4 strong surges but I carried on breathing through them. When I got to the birth centre I was quite disappointed to know I was still only 2cm but the midwife said my cervix was very thin and soft so to stay in and get in the water for some relief.

I soon progressed to 3cm then 5cm and I was able to have gas and air.

This was the part I really enjoyed - in the water with candles on and music playing breathing through every surge with gas and air, I felt really calm and I loved having my husband massage when my surges came, he was just amazing throughout and always helped me get back to green.

My waters broke in the pool and I quickly progressed to 10cm - I felt the need to poo all of a sudden but unfortunately didn’t get the overwhelming feeling to push.

The midwives helped me out the pool and we tried some coached pushing positions but by this point I had been trying to push her out for almost 2 hours so I was transferred by ambulance to the labour ward.

I was completely exhausted at this point and the surges were really starting to take it out of me after the bumpy ambulance ride. The doctor examined me and said babies head was slightly off centre so she was struggling to get down the birth canal and he could give me a spinal block and use a ventouse cup to help her if I wanted.

I used my BRAIN and accepted as at this point my main concern was ensuring she never got distressed and I was unsure if I was going to be able to remain calm if I had to push any more without pain relief.

We went ahead and she was out within one push and was so serene.


She latched on straight away and two of the midwives said I was the calmest person they’ve ever looked after.

I would never have been able to make these decisions and get through it all with such a level head without Siobhan and the PBC and even though it didn’t go to ‘plan’ for me I don’t see any of it as traumatic and I truly look back and say I enjoyed giving birth to my baby girl 💖💖



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Birth story - Robyn and baby Blaire


Birth story - Sarah and baby Frank