Birth story - Laura and baby Arlo
After my first labour I was really worried about the same happening again with my second. I had a 36 hour back to back labour, baby’s heart rate dropping, my bladder stopping working and needing a catheter put in, no pain relief, and it ended in an episiotomy and forceps delivery with a lot of blood loss. With all of this in my mind and being pregnant during lockdown I definitely was worried.
I was recommended the positive birth company book and it totally changed my mindset on giving birth. Knowing all of the science behind it and learning some techniques for during labour had genuinely made me feel excited for my labour. My husband also read it as he said he felt like a bit of a spare part during my first labour, it really helped him too.
My labour started on the 5th of August with very mild, irregular surges. I focused on my down breathing and used the Freya app while on my birthing ball. I didn’t actually think I was in labour because of how bearable it was compared to last time. I put my three year old to bed and went for an early night myself. I managed to sleep through until 1.30am when the surges woke me but they were still bearable. I then phoned my midwife to come out and assess how things were progressing. (Where I live in Scotland we have a team of 8 best start midwives who you phone when labour starts, they come to your house to assess you and stay with you until it’s time to go to hospital. They meet you at the hospital and they deliver your baby) my midwife arrived around 2.30 and said I looked like I was coping well, I was still using my ball and focusing on my down breathing, it really helped. I asked her to assess me and I was 3cm but fully effaced with bulging waters. She did a membrane sweep and that really increased the intensity of the surges. within an hour she decided we should head to the hospital. She went ahead to prepare the room as I really wanted a water birth. My husband got our bags and we made our way. In the car I had a wobble saying I didn’t want a water birth anymore, I wanted an epidural. My husband was great at reminding me of the positive affirmations and bringing me back to that green zone in between contractions. We arrived at the hospital at 4.20am and as soon as we got into our room my waters went, the birthing pool was still filling but my midwife said I could just get in as I was fully dilated and feeling the urge to push. I got in the water and my breathing changed to down breathing. One push and my baby’s head was out, another push and our baby boy Arlo arrived weighing 8lbs 9.5oz, 7 minutes after arriving at the hospital.
I couldn’t believe what I had just done, I felt like superwoman! Within three hours we were home, just in time for big brother Ollie waking up. The whole experience was magical. It really was my dream birth and I can’t thank the positive birth company enough for making this happen for me.

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