Birth story - Kerry and babies Louis and Robyn


Our babies have arrived safely! Born on Thu 18th March, a wee boy then a wee girl!

Baby Louis (2.6kg) and Baby Robyn (2.2kg) Louis was born at 08.50am, then Robyn 09.53am, Robyn was breech, footling breech!

I’d love to say it was easy but I can’t lie, it was by far the hardest most challenging thing I’ve ever done in my life and I feel it topped my two previous births!

I was induced at 36+5 due to antibodies/long story! During my first pregnancy I was exposed to my daughters blood (which is a different blood type to mine) therefore my body made antibodies to protect itself. These babies have the same antigen as my daughter so the antibodies can affect their red blood cells which can lead to complications like jaundice and anaemia. There were some other contributing factors too suggesting and induction would be the best (safest) thing to do.

I had 3 pessaries before labour started. I really didn’t want induction initially but I had to weigh up all the factors and used my B.R.A.I.N to come to the decision.

Getting wee Robyn out (especially that 63 minute wait) was a mental battle of trying to stay calm and focus but in the background the two consultants were there waiting to potentially whip me away for a section! I felt it was a very intense and pretty stressful environment but I kept trying to replace any negative thoughts with positive ones. I was definitely having a conversation in my head!

I’m just so so grateful they are here safe! It’s been such a journey. The love and joy is overwhelming! The human body is definitely incredible! I chose to try for a natural birth, declined the epidural and drugs, gas and air etc as I didn’t want to feel out of it and I never had anything in my last two births so had some belief in myself. I felt this was the best option for me but I totally understand and respect other people’s decisions. It’s such a huge thing and so personal!

I have to say the breathing in for 4 out for 8 (I think I might’ve been doing even longer and deeper at times) helped me greatly. The PBC digital pack was such a great help to me in preparation for birth. The breathing and the affirmations were my favourites! Along with using B.R.A.I.N acronym! I also wrote my own affirmations and read them a few times to get the positivity in my head!


All the very best to everyone on here! Remember the human body is incredible and do what feels right for you! Women are amazing!!


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