Birth story - Latiesha and baby Amelia

After a difficult pregnancy with hyperemesis gravidarum, by 41 weeks I was very ready to meet my baby!

At 41 + 1 I had my second sweep and was told I was 3cm. That evening at 9pm, I started contracting and lost my mucus plug. I used the Freya app and straight away my contractions were 5 minutes apart. Within minutes they increased in frequency to 2 1/2 minutes apart so we called the hospital.

I arrived at the hospital and was 4-5cm! Since I was considered low risk I was allowed on the birthing suite led my midwives and was shown into the most amazing room; it’s really true what the course says about your environment. The room was dimly lit, had fairy lights, essential oils and a big bath.

I got in the bath at approx. 10.30pm and I stayed there pretty much through my entire labour. I used gas & air to help manage my breathing through the contractions. By 6cm I was quite uncomfortable and had a few bouts of vomiting so was given pethidine with anti-sickness. This allowed me to sleep for an hour.

Just as the course says, when I hit the transition phase I asked for an epidural. I was told I would have to get out of the bath, which I didn’t want to do, so with the midwives and birth partners encouragement I kept going, my birth partner coaching me through my breathing.

When the contractions peaked in intensity I decided I really did want an epidural so got out of the bath to be checked.... And was told I was 10cm! I immediately felt the urge to push. I turned on my side, as I didn’t want to be on my back, and after 15 minutes of pushing, at 09:08, our little girl was born!

I will never ever forget the feeling of holding her. I delivered the placenta immediately after her birth and had lots of skin to skin bonding.

I was always terrified of labour but the PBC course changed that. Before the course I was certain I would want a C-section but the information provided helped me to understand that my body was made to birth my baby. Mindset is everything. Thank you so much PBC!


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