Birth story - Kelly and baby Marina
Let me say this first, nothing went the way I planned and expected, but in the end I got what I wanted the most, a vaginal delivery of a healthy baby.
So it was a magical and extremely positive experience!
I’ve learned a lot about myself and my body and my limits...
I did every single exercise known to help baby come, acupuncture, reflexology, ate dates, raspberry leaf tea... you name it, I DID IT 😅
I was induced after having contractions that didn’t progress for 5 days during which I could not sleep at all... then I learned, after a visit to hospital, that baby was in back to back position... 😲
The induction was already booked because my baby had funny stretches of less movements.
When we got to hospital I was 2cm dilated, so instead of doing the pessary straight away the midwife tried a sweep 1st (we had tried one 4 days before but they couldn’t reach it).
It didn’t progress, so it was down to the pessary... Well, my body did not like it , and expelled it after only 2h!
So as baby’s movement were a bit low, down to the ward they sent me, and after a long chat with the doctor I decided to have the drip and an epidural.
Along with the breathing techniques and meditation/visualization audios I was able to relax and enjoy every bit of the 11h in labour.
When I was fully dilated a midwife came and after a few pushes my baby girl popped out! Man, is there a feeling better than that? Wow!
I was in total bliss! Over the moon having skin to skin, and she immediately started waddling around my chest looking for the boob.
She breastfed first for 2hours straight until I asked the midwife to come to do weight, checks etc...
It was such a great positive experience that I seriously left hospital imagining my next birth 🥰
Although I’m a little tired at the moment, I’ve always wanted to have 2 kids with a small age gap between them...
Ladies, trust your body! Listen to it!
You will know if you need help! And if you do, like I did, it’s fine!
I felt so empowered during every single moment because all I asked was respected 🙏🏼

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