Birth story - Angela and baby Noah

I started going through the digital pack very early, around 12 weeks. It helped me have a great birth experience, although I ended up on a labour ward. I planned a water birth, but the little man was too quick.

Birth story:

At 41 weeks exactly, I started having slight period cramps in the evening. Being a FTM, I did not think those were surges, as they were very moderate and my stomach did not go hard. I took some paracetamol and slept for a few hours.

The next day, they became more powerful and I phoned the Birth Centre. I was told that I was most likely only in very early labour. Still, I went to the hospital in the afternoon, got checked and was only 2cm ☹ I was sent back home, but once I got there, the surges became very powerful and after 3 hours we went back to the hospital. The midwife refused to examine me again as she said I could not have progressed much in 3 hours and asked me to walk up and down the corridor. After an hour she checked me again and I was 3-4cm and I was admitted at around 10pm. The room was beautiful, with a pool, dim lights, different pregnancy balls & chairs and a pile of pillows on a soft mat on the floor.

I was told that it was too early to fill the pool, so I laboured until midnight, just breathing and relaxing. I especially loved the peanut pillow/ball, which was very comfortable to sit on. At midnight, I asked for pethidine, which was amazing. I still felt the surges but was drowsy enough to lie down on my side, relaxed and half-asleep.

I did not have my glasses or a watch on, so I didn’t know how much time had passed since the injection (later found out it was only 2 hours), but I suddenly started feeling the urge to push. I was still fully dressed, so I panicked a little and asked my mom to help me take off my trousers and underwear (why did I not think of this before...) and asked my husband to inform the midwife. She told him that she would come and check on me in half an hour and I told her that the baby would be here by then. She then checked me again and told me in surprise that I was fully dilated. I don’t remember much after that, just that the pushing felt so good, and I leaned over the pile of pillows in the room. They offered me gas & air, which I accepted. The pushing felt like a relief. He was born within 30 minutes, and I honestly hardly felt any pain (and I am the greatest wuss!) The placenta came out without any problems or drugs about 5min later. I didn’t feel it at all.

Because of blood loss & some tears that were difficult to reach, I got a spinal block and was treated in theatre, hence ended up on the recovery ward.

We were discharged the next day, and I am so in love with the little man. Still can’t believe it that we made something so beautiful.

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