Birth story - Katie and baby Harrison
Definitely not the birth I had in mind but hypnobirthing helped me stay calm and I knew how to approach each problem.
I came in for an induction at lunch time on the 16th and my body immediately started fighting it. I had one never ending cramp and my cervix didn’t soften at all. After hours of intense pain and accepting morphine via an injection because of the cramps and bad vomiting our poor baby wasn’t coping well at all. His heart rate was just getting weaker and weaker and my body was shaking fiercely. The doctor decided that an emergency cesarean section was needed. I used my breathing and my BRAIN and got myself together for our little man. The operation was hard. The baby was out in seconds but no cries and he needed help breathing. I also had complications and extreme vomiting while being operated on which made everything more stressful but I stuck to my up breathing and kept as calm as I could. No matter how exhausted my body was I wanted to be mentally strong for our baby boy.
After I got brought back to the ward from recovery I was so tired I couldn’t keep my eyes open and even when my husband was trying to show me pictures of our baby my eyes were rolling back and I knew I wasn’t in the right mind frame to be loaded with everything he was being checked for. I closed my eyes for half an hour at a time as I was constantly being checked and when I was ready I asked to be taken to the special care unit to meet our gorgeous son. I’m so glad I waited so I could really appreciate the moment and remember it.
Hypnobirthing and the positive birth company really helped me stay calm and focused during our stressful pregnancy and delivery and I am so very grateful for it. Even the midwives were impressed at how I handled the situations we were being thrown as I was very calm. It may not have been the dream birth I envisioned but thanks to hypnobirthing it was still positive and I was able to make the right decisions for us.
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