Birth story - Kate and baby girl
*Trigger Warning* - VBAC, caesarean, stitches.
I had my first baby in 2020 via unplanned cesarean. I went into natural labour at 40 + 4, my water broke and contractions started instantly. Baby was back to back and giving me no let up. Long story short, I got to about 7cm and then opted for an epidural (wish I hadn't) anyway that’s when things went down hill, baby wasn't coping well, contractions stopped etc which ended up in a c-section. The epidural didn’t work so had to have a spinal block! It was all a bit traumatic but ended up with a perfect 8lb 11oz baby boy!!
Fast forward to June 2022 and baby number 2 appeared!! I had another pregnancy without any issues. As I’d had a ceserean I was fully expecting lots of push backs from midwives etc to not have a VBAC but to my surprise they were so so so supportive they couldn't do enough to help me get the birth I wanted. At around 12 weeks pregnant I was so eager I started the positive birth company course and continued throughout pregnancy to do breathing, positive affirmations etc.
Initially I didn't want any interventions which was completely respected we didnt even talk about induction or book any appointment, my midwife was so adamant I was going to have a natural labour.
So my due date approached and no sign of baby. My midwife offered a sweep, which I accepted, however she couldn't do it so we booked another appointment 2 days later same thing, and then another appointment again as she still couldn’t do it. Finally, the day before I was 41 weeks, baby’s head was engaged and a sweep could be performed. Midwife said I was 1cm, soft and very stretchy. The previous evening I’d had a few mild period craps so I assume now my body was preparing.
After my sweep I went home, mowed the lawn, then walked to nursery to drop off my little one and stopped at the pub for a drink before walking home. All day I just pottered. I made tea and sat on my ball but as I was having tea I was getting a few mild period cramps so I knew this was it. I tried to eat dinner but couldn't however, I did manage to keep drinking. My partner and I did bed time for my little one and he’s still breastfed so I think feeding him released some oxytocin because after he went to bed things ramped up a bit.
I rang the midwife around 9.30pm just to let her know this could be it. She advised using my TENs machine which I did, I was also doing breathing using the Freya app (the best thing ever) My partner and I put on a film and just tried to relax of course he want to sleep and I couldn't get comfy enough I just kept nodding and then waking. Eventually I started to time my contractions using the Freya app. They were between 5 and 10 minutes apart. The app said I was in established labour and then I wasn't and then I was so I rang the midwife around 1am and she advised to stay at home a bit longer. I was coping well with breathing and the TENs.
Fast forward to 9am the next morning I was still going breathing, rocking and the TENs. The midwife rang me and advised me to go in as with 2nd time labours they usually happen quicker and they expected me to come in sooner. I got to the hospital around 10.30am and before they took me to the MLU they wanted to put me on a monitor for 20 minutes which was fine. So I was able to go to the unit, even though the registrar didn't want me there but my midwife insisted, and as long as I wanted to then we could go down.
On the unit at around 11ish I started with the gas and air while the pool filled up. I then had a shower, kept breathing and rocking. I then got in the pool and was there for a couple of hours but I was finding the contractions very uncomfortable by this point as my waters hadn't broken. I then had a bit of a wobble and but my partner and the midwife brought me back. I then got out of the pool and had meptid this just took that edge off and allowed me to pretty much eat half a loaf of toast and butter, oaty bars and chocolate!!
By this point it was 4.30ish, I was examined and had my waters popped. I was 8cm I was then told if I felt I needed to push just to go with it, which I did. I got on the bed on all 4s and just kept pushing when my body told me to. Not sure how long or how many pushes but at 5.58pm my little girl was born 8lb 7oz
We had delayed cord clamping and skin to skin for about 45 minutes. I then had about 4 stitches while daddy had cuddles a shower and then baby had her first feed!
We were home for 1.30am with our brand new baby eating toast in bed!! It was the best, most positive experience I’ve ever had, and in a heartbeat I would do it all again! Plus daddy got some AMAZING pictures and videos of her head coming out and when she did come out and I grabbed her.

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