Birth story - Kari and baby girl

*Trigger warning* - Previous emergency c-section (EMCS), use of the word contraction.

First pregnancy and labour

I had an EMCS with my first baby in 2020 due to a long induction at 38 weeks.

2nd pregnancy and labour

I had awful morning sickness until week 18 and heartburn throughout but a relatively straightforward pregnancy.

On my due date I went to see the consultant for a plan and I was offered a sweep - I declined. I didn’t feel it was needed at this point and wanted to see if things progressed by themselves although I hadn’t had any signs of baby arriving at this point.

At 40+4 I visited the assessment unit due to reduced movement (all was fine) but as I was over my due date I was advised to have an induction the following day. This made me a bit anxious so I agreed to go in the following morning.

The following morning I went in for my induction and had an examination. I was already 6cm dilated!!! I’d been feeling what I thought were Braxton Hicks but they were the real deal, much to my surprise. I was transferred to the labour ward and my partner arrived. I was still able to walk around and felt mild period pain at this point. I’d just finished the food shopping with a 1 year old half an hour before arriving at the hospital so I was very surprised!

40 mins later, with up breathing and gas and air, during the last few pushes my perfect baby girl arrived! I was amazed. No Intervention needed but I did have a 3rd degree tear which had to stitched up in theatre.

My partner and I couldn’t believe the difference between both of our births and the difference in how I was. I was so calm and relaxed this time around. Our baby is the most relaxed little thing and I feel this was definitely why! The programme really helped the calm feeling I had during birth. I felt in control and empowered and so happy I had the VBAC I wanted!


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