Birth story - Abigail and baby girl

I just wanted to share my gratitude towards the Positive Birth Company. I gave birth to my first child on the 18/01/22 and it was the most magical moment I have ever experienced and feel that yourselves really helped with that.

I cant believe how quick it happened, my labour lasted 3 hours and 41 minutes.

I woke up at 03:10 needing the loo, then I started having surges so thought I would use the Freya App to keep count. At 03:30 I needed the loo again and was bleeding a little. Here I woke my partner and took 2 paracetamol as the surges were getting very strong and 4 minutes apart. Initially this scared me because I thought oh my gosh, if they are strong now what's its going to be like later on! We phoned the midwife as things were progressing very quickly who advised we come to the birthing centre, my place of preference.

In the car I felt the need to push despite only having contractions for over an hour. We got to the birth centre at 04:30, the midwife began to run birthing pool as this was my preference, however I was in the zone leaning over the bed so decided to stay there. I was offered gas and air but to my surprise I didn't find myself using it because the sensation I was feeling wasn't really pain.

In the second stage of labour, I remember the whole process being so surreal, it didn't hurt at all. I utilised my down breathing and listened to my body. My partner was by side the whole time. During surges he reminded me of my breathing and between surges he stroked my arms to help keep me as relaxed as possible.

When her head was out I had this moment before the last push were I was talking to my partner and the midwife like nothing out of the ordinary was happening! My partner and midwife were incredibly supportive and guided me through the whole birth. I did get a 2nd degree tear but didn't notice at the time.

Giving birth to our daughter will be the proudest and most memorable experience of my life. It was absolutely incredible, especially when nature just takes its course and your body just does what it needs you to do. Thank you for your guidance as it really did help me.

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