Birth story - Josie and baby Aubrey

I had my baby girl Aubrey back in October.
She is absolutely perfect and even though my birth may sound a little traumatic it was far from it and I 100% put that down to the digital pack.

So a bit of background:
I had quite an unfortunate pregnancy with hypermesis for the first 16 weeks and then from 18 weeks on wards I had SPD that gradually intensified in pain and disabled me to the point of being unable to walk without crutches or a wheel chair for the last month of my pregnancy and even had a commode next to bed as I couldn’t get to and from the toilet alone. It was a really tough time and not how I expected pregnancy to be.

So due to my SPD and history of epilepsy I wasn’t allowed a water birth which I really understood closer to the time as I wouldn’t have even been able to get in the pool 🙈

My midwife asked me to see a consultant at 37 weeks as she was worried about how aggressive the SPD was getting and how disabling it was. The consultant was brilliant she said if I continued to deteriorate she would induce me at 38 weeks. Which using my BRAIN I did think of taking as an option if I continued to be in so much pain. Unbeknown to me that day I would be admitted to hospital due to what I can only describe as constant cramping in my thighs and pelvic area I couldn’t physically take my own weight anymore due to the SPD.

This was on the Monday, I was induced on the Wednesday. By Friday night, after my second pessary and many days of mild surges, my water broke (FINALLY!)

I was taken down to the labour ward and was dealing with my surges very well with up breathing, had tea lights on, a mood light and room spray I felt really calm but it became apparent very quickly that my SPD pain would become worse and worse and it was effecting my progression due to the pain. I asked for an epidural and let it wear off after a few hours as I had progressed very quickly to 10cm so I had some feeling and was able to know when to push when that time came. I felt so in control when I hit 10cm and was so excited to finally meet my baby girl. After 2 hours of pushing she still didn’t show, the midwife looked worried as her heart rate was perfect but she was not budging. I was so determined with my down breathing and even with strong surges and painful SPD pain I was completely fine and in control.

Then the room got very busy I was suddenly signing to have surgery potentially and agreeing to a theatre assisted birth.

Whilst in the theatre the consultant tried to help get her out and she wouldn’t budge so I had an emergency c section. Within minutes I had my beautiful darling put on my chest for skin to skin.


Through all of this I didn’t panic, cry or worry at all. I was so calm, listening to my relaxation music, focusing on my little darling and knew that no matter how she came out we would both be ok. I have suffered with PTSD and sever anxiety and I would never ever have expected to be so strong and calm in such a typically scary situation. I truly believe Aubrey felt my calm and that’s why even when she was stuck she was calm as I was calm.

I can’t thank you enough for all you taught me and to not be afraid at birth. You made my experience beautiful by teaching me to relax and expect any birth avenue and to be calm. Your toolbox will be carried with me in all aspects of my life now.

Thank you so so much xx

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