Birth story - Jennifer and baby Isaac
*My Pregnancy*
I loved being pregnant and had a really positive experience right the way through.
I switched to the home birth team quite late as we had been waiting nearly a year to get the keys to our house and it needed renovating; thankfully it all happened just in time!
My new midwife referred me for a growth scan which, in her opinion, I should have had 10 weeks previously after looking at my graph.
So, at 37 weeks we went for the scan only to find out our baby boy was measuring fine but he was breach! It was a total shock as it hadn’t been picked up on during my checks with the midwives.
I was pretty stressed at this point as my birth plan had been a water birth at home and my heart had been set on it.
I was then booked for an ECV, they tried to turn him twice and he didn’t budge. I found the ECV really uncomfortable but I was further along than most that are offered an ECV, they would usually try before 38 weeks.
I was disappointed it hadn’t worked as that meant even a water birth at the hospital wouldn’t be an option unless he turned himself in the meantime, which he didn’t.
I tried everything to get him to turn at home but he was obviously comfortable where he was!
The hospital wanted me to have a c section and were encouraging me to book it in right away.
I really didn’t want that to be my only option as it was so far away from what I had imagined.
The consultants led us to believe that a breach birth would be dangerous and caused us a lot of stress while trying to make a decision on what to do next.
I spoke with my midwives (I had two that were just incredible, they had my back every step of the way) and they told me they would totally support me in a breach delivery at the hospital if that’s what I chose to do. They supplied us with loads of info to read regarding breach babies and it made us feel so much better and more confident in the decision to attempt a natural birth.
I told the hospital that I wanted to attempt a vaginal delivery and they tried their hardest to change my mind with their statistics etc but I stuck to my guns and I’m so glad I did.
It may sound silly to some but I wanted him to be ready to come into the world and if he was healthy and happy where he was I didn’t want to force him out before it was time just because he was breach.
Being so past my due date didn’t help, they were really pushing for me to have a c section by this point and I was going to the hospital every day to be monitored.
Luckily, he decided to come at 41+6!
*The Big Day*
I woke around 5am, I could feel something was happening but it was all very subtle.
I assumed my waters were leaking and I had a very faint dull ache, it almost wasn’t there it was so minor. So I rang the hospital and they confirmed I was probably going into labour and asked me to go in straight away for monitoring etc due to being breach.
We went to the hospital around 8.30am where they confirmed I was in labour, baby was still breach and we were both healthy and stable. I then decided to go home to establish labour as I really didn’t want to sit in the hospital all day. We walked the dog and grabbed some lunch then I stuck a film on and bounced on my ball to help move things along. I was in contact with my midwife and informing her of my progress and I started tracking my surges around 3pm when they became very noticeable.
Once the surges started getting really intense and closer together she told us to hop in the car and she would meet us at the hospital. Around 6pm we arrived and got let into the maternity ward.
I didn’t want pain relief as I wanted to remember everything and experience it fully; this is why a home water birth had appealed to me so much.
My surges were very close together and I used my breathing to get through each one while on my knees, resting on an exercise ball.
My midwife examined me and I was 5cm dilated. Baby was unfortunately coming feet first so my natural birthing journey had to come to an end as it would have been too risky to continue.
I was taken down to theatre very promptly and the team all introduced themselves and everyone was so nice. My surges were very intense and there was a lot going on but my partner was incredible and stuck by me the whole time being my voice and holding my hand.
They talked me through everything that was happening and made me feel at ease. Once I was prepped it felt like no time at all and he was in my arms.
One of my midwives took photos and videos so we have those memories forever and we’re so grateful. The other made sure my request for delayed cord clamping was met and that Isaac was brought to me straight away for skin on skin. It was the most amazing feeling I’ve ever experienced and we were overjoyed at meeting our little boy at last.
He entered the world happy and healthy and on the day he chose. We couldn’t have asked for more than that he has filled our hearts with so much love. It’s the most overwhelming and incredible feeling ever, meeting your little one for the first time. If you could bottle it, you would be rich beyond measure
I had a very positive unplanned c section and have healed really well. My scar is very neat and tidy, tucked away in my knicker line and you wouldn’t even know it’s there.
I was a frank breach baby and my Mum gave birth to me vaginally. I think that’s why I was more inclined to at least attempt it but I have no regrets and no upset at all with how my birth story panned out. We all came out of it happy and healthy and that’s what matters
Thanks for reading good luck with your pregnancies/gorgeous new babies! X

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