Birth story - Holly and baby Darby

My birth story is very positive! Despite the C Section; which for me was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

Firstly, at 36+1 my waters broke at 7:30am whilst making a cup of tea in the kitchen. I phoned the Antenatal Day Unit and explained what had happened and as I was under 37 weeks they brought me in for an examination. I had 3 speculum exams by 2 seperate consultants and a midwife (these were very uncomfortable). At this point I didn’t have any “contractions” but I had a lot of pressure in my back and lower front, my bump was also pulsing. I wasn’t in pain I just felt uncomfortable. After they confirmed there was fluid in the exam and fluid all over the examination bed they confirmed my waters had broken and I had PROMM. As I was under 37 weeks they kept me in for 24 hours to see if I went into labour naturally and started me on antibiotics. If I didn’t labour within that time they booked me in for an induction on the day I turned 37 weeks due to risk of infection. Days went by and every tiny pull and ache I believed was the start of labour, but nothing!

I arrived for my induction on the Thursday at 9:00am, by 4:00pm the hospital finally had a bed on the labour ward for me and we got taken up. As my waters had already broken I was placed on the induction oxytocin drip at the lowest dose 0.3 at 4:30pm. A few hours went by and nothing had kicked in, no pains, nothing. By 7:30pm my contractions began, they felt like mild period pains and were short and sweet. Every 30 minutes they increased the dose on the drip and therefore increased the intensity of the contractions. I went all the way up to 7.2 (out of 9) with no pain relief what so ever, just breathing. I found sat on the bed up right with one leg hanging off the best position for me as any movement caused a further contraction. It got to the point that the contractions were constant and I was drastically starting to get tired and couldn’t sleep through the pain any more. I wasn’t in agony but I was tired and hungry and this got the better of me so I started with gas and air to try control myself and concentrate on breathing rather than getting myself worked up. The doctors came and felt my stomach and said the drip needed to be turned off for a while to let me recover and get some energy as I will need it for active labour.

They examined me and I was 1cm dilated, which I expected. I carried on for a few more hours hoping to progress - however after 15 hours of contracting with very little rest I was stuck at 1 cm and failed to progress. As my waters had broken for 6 days the baby needed to come out due to infection risk. The doctors explained I could either continue on the drip for a few more hours to see if my body would kick in naturally or I could have a c section right then. I decided that my body had had enough and my baby needed me to be the strongest I’d ever been to deliver them so I decided to have the c section and not attempt any more induction drip. I instantly got prepped and wheeled down to theatre, let me tell you this was the most petrified I’ve ever been in my life.

The theatre team were absolutely amazing and put me straight at ease. Once explained all the risks and legal things, the anaesthesia lady held me in position for the spinal injection (which is what I was the most petrified about). This really helped me feel supported and not “tied down” but more guided. The injection was easy, just felt very cold and then once numb other injections and so forth were placed, I think the thought of the spinal injection takes over your entire thought process and body as I was uncontrollably shaking. (Which made me panic more!). My lower body suddenly went really warm and all pain and discomfort just melted away, I described it as if my lower half was in a hot tub! I couldn’t feel anything but pressure and tugging, a bit like stomach rumbles and the sensation of a heavy weight on my tummy. I didn’t even know they were inside me when all of a sudden they pulled baby out and I heard that magical cry.

9:54am Friday my beautiful baby boy was born! (Surprised Gender) ⭐️ Darby ⭐️ 7lb 5oz

He has had to spend some time in the neonatal intensive care due to fluid on his lungs, but he’s doing absolutely amazing and I am just full of so much love. He’s now in the ward with me ❤️

Thank you to PBC for this community of self love, determination and just the beauty of pregnancy and birth which made me obsessed with birth stories, labour information etc. I felt so prepared and so in control yet still excited, frightened and vulnerable. I hope that my birth story helps others in similar situations feel at ease with their labour and just plan of having no plan ❤️


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