Birth story - Gohar and baby Razi Ali

I don't mind the word contraction at all!

It's been 8 years since I last had a baby. My older two are 11 and 8 and this pregnancy was a total surprise for us all! I genuinely didn't know when I fell pregnant at 39 if I could do this and was ridden with anxiety when I bought the PBC pack. I am so glad I did.

At 40.5 weeks I was definitely ready for baby to arrive but somehow convinced myself spontaneous labour wouldn't ensue. I had arranged to see my midwife the next day to discuss expecting an induction. However, on the night of 27 July, while I was madly tidying the house (nesting instinct was an all time high) I felt that familiar pop and warm gush, and was in no doubt my waters had gone. In the past two pregnancies, this had led to severe shaking and shivering; this time I almost instantly tuned into up breathing. I was on my way to meeting my baby and kept my mindset positive. I told my husband who informed the older two, who did an excited little dance on the landing as they just couldn't wait for the day to come!

I spent the next 20 minutes straightening my hair...crazy I know, but I needed to keep myself distracted in a mind numbing kind of way. I had no idea how it would all unfold but I asked the kids to shower, fix up their overnight bags and be ready to go to our lovely neighbours for the night, in case contractions started. They were almost delirious with excitement. The four of us bunkered down in one room, hubby and I in bed and kids on floor (they have a room each but very much wanted to stay as a family this night). Within half an hour, mild contractions started and I began to time on the amazing Freya app. We decided it's best to send kids over to neighbours so they can have a restful night. For anyone who has kids already, you will know that it can feel strangely emotional to leave them and head to hospital.

I asked my husband to rest and proceeded to use up breathing and the affirmations from PBC to see my early labour through. I kept active and kept changing positions. Lying down I found was the worst. The birthing ball helped a lot. The candles created a cosy atmosphere and I soaked my feet in a warm spa tub and then shaved my legs! I felt nervous but definitely excited. Clearly it was early labour yet. Around 4 am the contractions ramped up and I called the hospital again. As we live 30 minutes away, they advised we make our way in. The car journey was a little intense as any turns or bumps added to the discomfort of the contraction. I told my husband I would rather not be touched or spoken to during a contraction and he absolutely nailed this😂

We reached the hospital and I was called in to be assessed, except there was not much water and the midwife couldn't tell how dilated I was. I kept my breathing up but by this time was in severe pain and was thinking seriously about pain relief options. I accepted the paracetamol for the moment but kept asking my hubby to request we be taken into the labour room. I just knew it wouldn't be long now. I reminded myself to keep returning to the green zone.

Once in the labour room I gratefully accepted the offer of gas and air. I must admit at this point I did ask if epidural was an option and was told by the midwife that I could definitely do it without. She brought in a mandarin scented room diffuser to the room which was lovely - when I wasn't having a contraction! During contractions, which were now back to back, I had the most intense urge to push...the midwife got everything set for the baby's arrival very quickly. Her body language showed me it wouldn't be long. I lay on my side, literally inhaling the gas and air with everything I had. My husband kept reassuring me I had got this! I felt myself zoning out and feeling a little bit out of it. At this point I had to push, so strong was the urge. The midwife informed me I was 10 cm and I had been in the room under an hour! The pushing began and I felt confident and hubby said a head of black hair was now visible and I cannot tell you how much this motivated me. I let my body get to work and do what it's designed to do...ten minutes later, out popped the head...a few seconds later, another surge and before I knew it my most wonderful baby boy was on my chest and I was literally bursting at the seams with oxytocin! 7:31 am was the time of birth...the midwife was super keen to record this accurately to the second! The second midwife was buzzed in and the next few moments felt like a bit of a blur! Active labour was under two hours and I could not believe what I had achieved without serious pain relief or intervention. My hubby and I had worked as a team and felt euphoric.

I wasn't surprised to know there was a second degree tear as he had come so very fast...hubby had a full hour of skin to skin while they did my stitches...this is something he had not experienced with the previous two and I was really tickled to see our baby rooting away at his nipples abd tugging away at his chest hair! I had more gas and air for the stitches and a lovely nurse let me hold her hand tight as this happened.


Hubby by this time was busy taking pics and videoes, calling family and friends and savouring each moment. Speaking of savouring, we devoured that tea and toast like primal hungry animals. When they say it tastes good, believe it! I was ravenous!

After dimming the lights, taking turns to cuddle and snooze, attempting breast feeding etc, we were discharged at 1 pm and headed home to two completely delighted, besotted older siblings who just cannot get enough of their baby brother.


Five days later, I still feel amazed at the birth and how speedy it all was. PBC made me believe in myself and my ability to do this with a positive mindset and I will be recommending it strongly to friends. We are designed to give birth to our little miracles and I for one will be endlessly fascinated by how stories of birth unfold. 😊😊

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