Birth Story - Eshere and baby Penelope


We are so happy to introduce Penelope Violet Ward to the world! Born on 25th Feb at 1.34am and weighing 8lbs. After a traumatic long labour with an episiotomy and ventouse with our first daughter I can happily say Hypnobirthing changed our lives!

Penelope was born in the birth pool at home, in under 3 hours, with no pain relief or intervention and no stitches!! A completely different experience to our first birth!

I was extremely nervous and worried about the birth as my first labour was so difficult. However, after doing the course in January with Siobhan (who may I add has been an incredible support leading up to the birth and during) we became informed and embarked on some serious preparation.

After a long day of light surges my waters finally broke after 10.30pm. The surges came in fast and intense. Having a slight panic in my own head as the surges were extremely intense, my husband reminded me of my breathing and I managed to stay calm and focused.

The midwives arrived pretty quickly and advised me to get in the pool to ensure baby arrived in the water as we had planned. The room was perfectly lit with candles, my affirmations playing on our stereo in the background and the pool ready for action. As soon as I entered the water I felt a soothing sensation. I breathed through each surge as I had been practising in the weeks leading up to the birth and felt my baby move through my birthing canal, it was a truly unique and wonderful feeling that I will never forget.

During the transition period I felt for baby's head and remember talking with Tom and having an intense feeling of excitement that our baby was coming! With a few more surges she entered this world. We really did it!

I can't thank Siobhan and The Positive Birth Company enough for encouraging and supporting us to have the birth of our dreams!

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Siobhan Miller

Founder of The Positive Birth Company. Mother. Author. Entrepreneur.

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