Birth Story - Angelique and baby Ayla


We wanted to let you know that Ayla Margot Peters was born on Saturday 23rd September at 8:24am weighing 7lb 11oz. Our daughter was born naturally, in the pool at home, just as we had planned. We feel so blessed to have had such a beautiful experience and wanted to share this with you as we strongly feel that meeting you helped us approach this event calmly and positively.

Ayla arrived into this world peacefully, her heart rate didn't change during the stages, and she observed her new surroundings, alert and calm, for about an hour before making any sound. We are so lucky all the cards were in our favour, after a stress free and much enjoyed pregnancy, the birth was also problem free and straight forward.

I cannot stress enough how the recommended practice and our immersion into Hypnobirthing, weeks prior to the birth, enabled me to find the mental strength and peace that I needed to go through this incredible journey.

We are both so happy and we will cherish this memory for ever.

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Siobhan Miller

Founder of The Positive Birth Company. Mother. Author. Entrepreneur.

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