Birth story - Diane and baby Alice

Possible Triggers:
Contractions (no negative associations for me); previous induction, COVID-19 protocols, miscarriage

I finished work on the Friday at 37 weeks, hoping for acupuncture, some reflexology, naps, nesting prep, hair done, etc. I had been induced for being over my dates with my little boy & potential slowed growth. It wasn't traumatic, but It wasn't how I hoped it would be.

I wanted this labour to be different - it would be my last opportunity. I'd signed up for MLU, which ran a hypnobirthing course. I had a missed miscarriage last year & felt I couldn't trust my body

A lovely work colleague had recommended the Positive Birth Company and so I thought I would try that too. I was sooo glad I did, as the 2 hours at the hospital would not have been enough I feel. I had also download the Freya app.

♥️Monday I got my hair done; that evening, it was announced that pregnant women should self isolate... I know it seems silly, but I was disappointed - I was on a high finishing up, looking to get knick knacks, as it felt like it wouldn't be long till baby came.

But I tried to nest, meal prepped, had a couple of naps & thank goodness I did, as my little boys nursery was closed the following week. It felt like all my time to relax was taken away; my sleep was really poor towards the end of my pregnancy, awake for hours at night. This didn't help. I could feel my adrenaline increase...

My patience with my little boy was reduced; my husband was working from home; I was tired; the more time was dragging on, I could feel induction being a possibility.

The following week, it was announced the MLU where I wanted to birth was closing, deliveries to be transferred to a nearby hospital, which did have an alongside midwife birth unit. But I was devastated. My acupuncture session with a midwife was cancelled too, as she felt she should dedicate her time to work (understandably). This was around 39 weeks & I felt would be too late to try to arrange a home birth then; and was unsure if there would be the resources to allow this to happen.

My mum was self isolating to be on stand by to look after my little boy when the time came, so I couldn't see her. She dropped off some food & magazines though, which felt great 🥰.
I threw myself into "self-induction" (sorry, I know "my baby will come when my baby is ready", but it gave me something to focus on, keeping a routine when all else round me was changed.

I ate 70g dates a day (as the study said 70g, which was 6 dates - weighing them meant there was more like 10...). Raspberry leaf tea - this petered out. I ate a pineapple, including the core. I went on fast walks where possible - trying to fit into having a toddler & keeping their routine & COVID. I tried the method of "this baby will come out the way it got in there" & had a laugh about that. I did induction workouts on YouTube - nothing strenuous, but loads of squats. I actually stupidly hurt my back although I don't know if this was perhaps baby engaging, as I'd done the exact same for a number of days previous.

Thursday - Due date came & went - at midwife appt, they said they "hoped" the alongside unit at the hospital would still be open 😣

Sunday - On Sunday evening, we all lay in bed & watched a family film. I had quite a lot of Braxton Hicks (BH) for last couple of weeks & had seemed to lose some mucus plug at the end of the previous week, but it was clear & not loads. We were warm & cuddly and I felt a couple of contractions, which faded away.
The next morning in bed, I had a couple more, which went away. I also lost some more mucus, which was tinged.

Monday - had a couple of contractions in the morning which faded away.
I was tired in the afternoon, so even though my husband was working, he took our little boy in to watch a film while I had a nap. I had more of an upset stomach & more mucus.

Tuesday - I woke early in morning, just lying awake. Then a few minutes later I had a couple of contractions. I thought, hmm there have always been 2. If there is a 3rd, I'll time them. There was a 3rd, so I started Freya at 5.10am. 12 mins approx before next one. And they got shorter by about 30 seconds to a minute with each progressing contraction. At about 6am I went in to my husband, thinking he will be so surprised! I actually enjoyed my time to myself, before anyone in the world knew; just me & baby. Then at 6.20, we called my mum, as she had over an hour's travel to get to ours. I thought I better get a shower & ready; which took a lot longer than I imagined. She had arrived & all before I'd got sorted, as I had to go on all fours to focus on breathing each time a contraction came.

I went in to tell my little boy his sister was coming today & he came down to see his Granny, while we went into another room. I had breakfast between contractions, I felt I was managing really well.

I thought I had to clear my bowels again, but tried to think of something else, as sitting was getting uncomfortable (spoiler alert!) And we watched a YouTube video we found funny. I felt a bit nauseous then & thought maybe I should have had my porridge, but it passed and I was glad, as I was sure I would need the energy.

The contractions hit 3 in 10 mins - only "1 set", so I was hesitant to call the hospital. But after then, they became quite irregular. Mine were no shorter than 1 mim & felt at times to be much longer. Perhaps I wasn't as focused as I should have been...

I asked Steven to call the hospital; I also spoke to the midwife, who asked if it was my first baby and said to try to stay at home as long as I could, take paracetamol or cocodamol, and come in if I couldn’t take it any longer, if my waters had broken or if they were "3 in 10" again.

My husband got me cocodamol, but I found it hard to take. I started to have a wobble as the timings were all over the place & I felt I needed to go in now, as I dreaded the car journey...

So off we went at around 9.30am; it took me a couple of mins to get in the car & I felt then I had to make noise. There was also a lot of pressure and sitting was uncomfortable. Nothing actually felt "painful", just intense. As I got sat on my side, my knees shook & I thought, is that a touch of adrenaline...?

My husband pulled up at the doors at 10am, parked on double yellow lines. Notes in hand, I made it slowly to the door, having to stop to lean over the (probably coronavirus infested 😂) handrail, mooing. I thought, if this is 4cm, I'm having an epidural...

The guy at reception said, ‘take a seat, someone will be with you shortly.’ I learnt over the back of a chair, swaying my hips from side to side with more mooing - he came over & said, someone will be with you asap.

I am so sorry to anyone who saw me at the reception that day - I hope I didn't put you off!!

We got into "triage", I couldn't really speak, husband had to help me get my trousers down. Little spot of poo on my maternity pad - funny the things that stick with you, but I thought, aww, why did he have to see that! (Bear in mind he was there for my previous labour & had seen a lot worse! Lol).

No-one said how many cm dilated I was, but I could tell there was some action; nurse tried to page the delivery suite, but the mask meant the system kept going to the wrong department. I was just trying to focus on breathing & disperse the "energy" I felt through mooing.

The rails were put up on the bed and I was moved at a brisk pace to delivery suite. So something must be ready I thought. I suppose I knew...

I was fully dilated! I had to crawl over onto the bed and was asked to lie on my back. No-one had time to read my birth preferences, or maybe even much of maternity notes...but basically I had wanted to be in a birth pool, pretty natural, etc. I should have used BRAIN more at this stage, but my husband & I were a bit shell shocked we were at this stage already!

They broke my waters & the contractions immediately changed. I had gas & air to help calm me down.
It was coached pushing then, but by that stage, I really wanted her here, so only 15 mins later, little Alice arrived. I could still feel her moving down the birth canal & up again when a contraction finished.


I got the injection to deliver placenta, which I was happy enough with. My baby was here! Perfect, a little girl, with all fingers & toes ☺️! They did delayed cord clamping as standard and I pulled her up onto my chest - I was not in any of the clothes I'd hoped to wear (remember the water birth plan?). I asked them to cut my top off if I couldn't get her to my chest! But we got sorted.

There had been a little poo in the waters, so we had to stay in a few hours for observation, which meant time wise, an overnight stay. Daddy wasn't allowed on ward, but got a lot of time on delivery suite, which was so lovely of the midwives.


Although the birth didn’t go the way I planned I felt calm & was so proud of myself for being able to focus so well at home & get to be fully dilated! I really wish I'd tried for a home birth, as I feel the car journey was the worst part of the experience; if I'd a midwife at the house to reassure me, etc. I could have "saved" myself that. My husband really enjoyed the parts of the course I shared with him, it really appealed to his scientific side. And the Freya app was great.

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