My baby is 3 months today and finally decided to type everything out for you ladies. my memory is a little fuzzy already, so forgive me for not having exact details

I went in to the maternity triage as I had severe itching and severe feet swelling at 37 weeks. I had an amazing pregnancy but had suspected gallbladder issues because of the pregnancy (needing to have the organ removed this month).

After they tested my liver function tests, the doctor advised me that I had no option but to be induced, I used my brain and tried to weigh options but the doctor said in this occasion the alternative COULD be a stillbirth. I asked for them to let me go home shower pack and be back in 30 mins.

Once I returned, I had to go into the labour rooms and the option of water birth was completely eradicated from my plan . They inserted the pessery (feels like a sharp tampon that makes it uncomfortable to sit walk etc). They told me to walk and do anything to help things along. I relaxed used my soothing items but within 24 hours, I was only 1cm dilated and my cervix wasnt budging.

They advised me that the next steps would be to go into the delivery suites and do the drip and at this stage I just wanted to see my husband again and have everything sped up along. The pessery was the most uncomfortable of nearly most of the things in this story.

I was able to go into the delivery suites with my husband and talk over my plan with him and get more reassurance for the crazy turn of events. The room was massive and comfortable and the nurse allocated to my case was extremely informative throughout the process. Unfortunately, because my body was not ready for labour, the next step was breaking my waters because things didn’t want to budge.... This was by far one of the worst pains I’ve ever experienced. Since my cervix was not forward ready or soft, the internal examination was one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever felt. I had gas and air at the end and was transported to another world (while still in uncomfortable pain through the examination).

Once my waters were broken and the drip was getting started, they advised me that they highly recommended me to have the epidural as for the majority of cases complications led to theatre and c-section. Disheartened by the change of plans, I agreed having been told that there would only one anaesthesiologist in the whole ward and that the labour drip would bring the pains on severely was the best decision I have ever made and I will not hesitate to have it done for any of my next births.

The epidural was a little uncomfy but it was smooth and worked on the first go. All my fears of the catheter insertion and the pain of the internal assessments went out the window and from then on it was a wonderful time. I progressed nicely and during some examinations the nurse massaged my cervix enough to progress me even quicker. I felt nothing through it all, just chatted to my husband and joked about with the nurse. I did have to be connected to a blood pressure machine and not allowed to stand, but time went quite fast and comfortably. Once I got to 9 cm dilated, we started pushing, with the help of my husband we tracked the waves of the contractions and I was able to sit up on the bed to a throne position and felt super comfortable. They all told me I pushed like a pro but after 2 hours of pushing, they told me the baby wasnt turning how it was needed and they could all see her head but she was too lazy to budge. I begged them to let me push for more as it was not as tiring as I thought and I had no pain whatsover. They said due to protocol they wouldn't allow it and they would have to take me to theatre. I did all I could to avoid it but the little lady wasn't doing her part.

I nearly cried when they made me sign the c section paperwork and all the risks it could involve. When we arrived at theatre a group of 6 young lady surgeons introduced themselves, they were extremely kind and read through my birth plan, they reassured me and advised me they would do everything to turn her and to avoid a c section. The main surgeons inserted her hand, proudly exclaimed thst she could feel and see her head and all her hair, and she would be out within the next push. Two more strong pushes later and baby girl came out. While they performed an episiotomy I felt nothing at all, not her coming out, not the incision, it was the easiest push ever. They passed her to her dad as I requested in my plan and they tidied me up which felt like 45 minutes. Once all was done, baby girl was given at my breast and she was breastfeeding and looking around curiously.


I cant thank those surgeons enough for the incredible work they did on me. I dont know what they did but I only spotted after for 12 days, my uterus went back within a few days, my stomach shrunk fully within a few weeks and most importantly I had no vaginal pain whatsover. No soreness, no issues with the incision, didn't feel like I ever gave birth. None of the nurses could believe I had a baby, l was walking around soon after and feeling great! I still don't feel like I gave birth, my incision is non existent and while my birth plan didn't go as I wanted, I had the easiest possible labour ever!!!


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