Birth story - Abi and baby twins
A lot of my positive birth experience was due to the planning!
I changed hospitals and was prepared for a home birth in order to have a water birth (nothing beats the “ahhhhhh” of a birthing pool right?!)
At 38+5 I went into hospital to have a CTG as I had declined induction the week before. I did have induction booked for 39+2 but I think I knew they’d arrive before then. I agreed to a sweep as it did bring on labour for my first child. That evening (as my husband arrived home from work) the contractions started. Late that night we decided to go into hospital (they had now agreed to twin 1 being born in the pool).
I spent several hours at the hospital breathing through contractions, walking the corridors and enjoying the birth pool. The contractions were intense but not that regular. After another slow down of contractions thanks to the relaxation of the pool I got out to try to get things going again and went to the toilet.
All I managed to shout from the loo was “BABY”. The midwives and my husband rushed in and twin 1 was born with me kneeling on the bathroom floor. Once he was born I got up and onto the bed, my midwife checked twin 2 was still head down (although I never had any doubt she wouldn’t be). The consultant also came in to quickly scan her position.
Contractions soon increased in intensity and were far closer together than before. This was when I really needed the gas and air. Once twin 1s cord was white he went to my husband for skin to skin. Twin 2 was then born an hour and 50 minutes later.
Both twins had delayed cord clamping and immediate skin to skin. I had agreed to a managed third stage for the placenta and was amazed by the two placentas attached by membranes. I did lose some blood but declined the iron tablets and had a placenta smoothie instead (not gross like it sounds). I had 2 stitches but they healed very quickly and it felt fine to pee.
Whilst the twins birth was more medicalised than my other births it was still an incredible experience. It was longer, harder and more testing but I’m pleased I can look back and say I fought for what I wanted and I did it!
Happy to answer any twin questions- I know I had plenty when pregnant!

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