Birth story - Claire and baby Grace

I purchased the digital pack back in May 2019 after hearing about the positive birth company from listening to a pod cast. Our first baby was born at 42 weeks which ended in a long induction, labour and a traumatic episiotomy, so I was keen to try everything to have a more positive experience second time around.

We were due baby number two in November 2019 but sadly, after our 20 week scan showed our baby had no heart beat, we were booked in for induction to give birth to our baby boy a few days later. I had already started the digital pack at that point, the breathing techniques I had learned and the Freya app were invaluable in getting me through the worst experience of my life. 

Fast forward a year number three was due June 2020. I  worked my way through the digital pack again along with reading the book. I was adamant I wanted to remain as positive as possible throughout this pregnancy and I could not have done this without what I learned from the digital pack.  I listened to the positive affirmations twice a day from 35 weeks.

My estimated due date came and went....., talk of induction at 41 weeks started due to our mid term loss last year. I really wanted to avoid induction but was torn and reluctantly booked in for it at 40+9.  After discussion with my midwife we agreed I could cancel it at any point if I wanted to.  

Two nights before the induction date I had gone to bed experiencing mild cramps thinking “tonight is the night” and then woke up the next morning refreshed with a full nights sleep. The day before our appointment for induction I had a sweep and I was over the moon to hear that I was already 3cm and the MW could feel the baby’s head. She informed me that if I did opt to go for induction all I would hopefully need was my waters to be broken which would mean avoiding the pessaries which I had the first time around. This instantly made me relax and accept the induction apt the next day. I was excited to meet our baby. We were to attend at 11am the next day to our local hospital which was 15 minutes away. 

Again, going to bed I had some mild cramps but I slept pretty much all the way through the night, waking up at 5am excited.  Things started to change at 6am and I suddenly realised my “cramps” were getting more intense and I was having to breath through them. I used the Freya app religiously every night to listen to the positive affirmations so I put in my ear phones and listened to Siobhan’s voice as she talked me through my up breathing. 

I decided to go for a shower around 7am and I was now not able to speak through the contractions and the Freya app was telling me I was in established labour... although I couldn’t quite believe it because I felt like I was managing well and it had only been an hour since the intensity increased.  I messaged my mum to ask her to come over earlier than planned to look after my toddler as I didn’t think I was going to last until 11am to get to our appointment.

I called triage, while breathing through contractions, and they advised me that my local hospital was on divert due to the volume of patients and that I would have to attend another hospital which was further away. I was surprised at myself as I wasn’t really phased by this... I was just worried we wouldn’t get there in time. Ear phones in and Freya app on... we set off for the hospital.

Due to the Covid restrictions I had to enter the hospital on my own to be assessed to ensure I was in established labour before my husband was allowed into the labour ward... to my delight and amazement I was 8cm so my husband was allowed to come in after only 15 minutes. Again, even though I was on my own, my up breathing kept me calm and in control. 

The birthing pool was run and it was bliss getting in. We had our own music playing and I had a few family pictures dotted around the room to keep the oxytocin following.  Our midwife was very respectful of our birthing plan and was just quietly typing away in the back ground while I breathed my way through the next hour or so using gas and air. With every contraction my favourite affirmations were running through my head ...

“Every surge brings me closer to my baby”

“My surges can not be stronger than me because they are me”

My husband was by my side the whole time telling me how amazing I was, reminding me to stay relaxed with my shoulders down... I could not have done it without him. 

I recognised the transition period from reading about it in the book.  My body automatically changed and began bearing down... I remembered to change my breathing and visualise the opening of a flower. With two or three down breaths my baby’s head was out and just as the next contraction happened my baby was breathed out and I picked her up out of the water into my arms. It was the most surreal and empowering experience ever. Our rainbow baby, Grace Mabel, was born only an hour and half after arriving at the hospital.

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To this day when anybody asks about the birth I described it as “amazing” and recommend the Positive Birth Company to everyone.  Thank you.

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