Birth stories - Megan and baby Olive

As my due date approached (23rd November), I couldn’t help but wonder if my baby would be sharing the same date as my brother’s birthday, but no.. nothing. I planned a sweep with my midwife for my due date which went well but still no signs just yet. On the 25th I had a second sweep and again waited patiently.

That evening I had a feeling things were on the move. My hips started to ache and I felt heavy down below. I ran myself a bath and my partner and I went to bed early just in case. Midnight came and so did my first surge! Then another and then another. Each surge was around 6-8 minutes apart and they continued until 4am. My contractions felt very different to my first born 10 years ago. I clearly remember tensing my body, first time around, in a seated position each time a contraction came and absolutely dreading the next. It felt like forever before my son Fred was born that morning in hospital.

After 4am, my surges started to slow down and by 6am they were nearly 20 mins apart, I felt a little disappointed but remembered the same thing happening with my first pregnancy so didn’t worry, instead I lit a few candles and enjoyed a film with my partner, Chris, (one of my fav’s and a classic - Notting Hill). The room felt very cosy with Christmas lights and essential oils burning. It was the perfect set up and really helped to keep my spirits high. I felt motivated but calm and safe - all the tools I learnt with the hypnobirthing course.

By 10am my surges started to pick up and by the time it reached 2pm they were coming every 5 mins or so. Each surge I took myself into the kitchen where I could be on my own, I used the Freya App to count my up breathing (which was amazing and an absolute life saver during this stage) and really concentrated on keeping my mindset in a positive place and my body in an upright/forwards position. I kept thinking about the affirmation ‘each surge brings me closer to my baby’ and it focused my mind on almost enjoying the feeling instead of tensing or working against it.

At 4pm my midwife arrived. She did an internal examination and to my surprise I was only 2cm dilated. This again happened in my first pregnancy, but within a few hours my son was born so my midwife decided to hang on incase the same thing was to happen again... and right she was.

At 5pm my surges were around 3 in 10 mins so we began to run hot water into the pool. This felt incredible. The warm water really helped to sooth my back and I could instantly feel the pain relief it gave me. I asked if I could have some gas and air but my midwife felt as though I was doing so well with my breathing techniques that it’s wasn’t necessary.

Everything remained so calm throughout and between each surge I even managed to get through a box set! By 6pm I was nearly 10cm dilated and almost ready to start pushing. My midwife watched with a mirror underneath me but let me and my body guide this stage. I remember my partner filming in the corner and just 15 minutes later our baby Olive was born. We had delayed cord clamping (Chris then cut the cord) and skin to skin for 20 minutes or so before the water got a little chilly so we decided to get out. Olive was 7.5 bs and the most beautiful little thing. We were on a total high after the labour and even my midwife messaged to say she left feeling the buzz.

I’m so grateful I read the PBC book during our summer holiday that year. It completely changed my understanding of labour and instead of feeling frightened or nervous, I felt empowered and excited. It totally paid off and I hope my experience will encourage other Mums to give it a go because it really is life changing. Olive is such a happy soul and in our 6 weeks together so far, has been very content. I do like to believe that her entrance has helped her start on the right foot, it certainly feels that way to us.

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