Birth story - Cheryl and baby Louis
I accessed mp3s and you tube videos as well as reading the book and using the Freya app.
Since my positive birth I have wanted to share my story, as I gained all of my confidence through reading all of the stories in the weeks leading up to the birth of my beautiful son. I read the positive birth company book and tried to prepare myself as it’s always something I have feared and I suffer with anxiety. As time went on I was using all of the tools I had read about to try and stay positive with lots of yoga and meditation & positive affirmations.
SATURDAY 20th July 2019
I had resigned myself to the fact that I was booked in to be induced on Monday 22nd July at 40+14, which I really didn’t want as I was really nervous about it. I had two sweeps that I was more than willing to have as I was getting more fed up and anxious as the days passed.
Saturday arrived, 2 days before my induction and I spent the day with my hubby and went for coffee and cake followed by a lovely evening at my parents, reminiscing and having a good laugh. This, I think helped me to chill out and get some of that oxytocin flowing. I had spent the days leading up to this trying to bounce and walk baby out.
When I went to bed that evening I kept saying to myself my baby will come when he is ready. My waters broke at 3:00am I rang the midwife ward and they advised me to head up to the hospital to get examined and that we’d probably be going back home afterwards. We took our time to get ready whilst listening to the Freya app to keep calm and focused on my breathing.
Once arriving at the hospital at 4:00am things happened really quickly. Surges were coming regular and stronger. I remained calm trying to find a comfortable position which was all fours on top of the bed. I was examined and I was 5cm already. Baby had opened his bowels but because I was in established labour they allowed me to stay on the ward. I wanted a water birth so they agreed to start running the bath.
We headed over to the birthing pool room where the room was dimly lit and my husband started to take charge of the Freya app and made sure I was hydrated. To be honest I had my bag of tea lights and room spray but didn’t get chance to use them. I just concentrated on my breathing. As soon as I got into the pool I felt an incredible sense of relief it was calming and soothing.
I spent a couple of hours in the pool, I felt the urge to push and at this point, I had a little wobble. My midwife was great and advised me to change my breathing which I knew I needed to but I think I needed reassurance. I should have listened to my body more. I started to relax as I knew what my body needed to do and with every surge I was so excited to meet my baby it was the tool I needed to keep me going. I had gas and air when I started on my down breathing which helped. The midwife, rightly so, told me I didn’t get an award for not using it- this I am greatfull for and it was a game changer. Stupidly I thought if I use it now what else do I have if it gets more intense.
Baby was struggling at first, I agreed to get out of the pool so they could examine me. My mum and husband were great birthing partners and just encouraged me throughout and it was this that spurred me on. At this point there was a little bit of coached pushing, I didn’t mind this and it only lasted for 30 minutes or so. In a weird way this was probably the best part as I knew I was one step closer to meeting my baby boy. It wasn’t long before baby Louis was born in a relaxed and calm atmosphere at 10:59am 21st July.
I can honestly say that it was the most wonderful experience I’ll ever have and this was all down to hypnobirthing. I was so proud of myself. I’m so glad that it was a positive experience and I can’t thank the positive birth company enough.

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