Birth story - Carly and baby Henry


I purchased the PBC digital pack around 24 weeks and started to watch the videos, every so often, and read regular positive birth stories, I instantly felt more at ease about labour and more educated. I made a conscious effort to then think more positively about my labour.

As my due date approached, I didn’t put much pressure on myself and just accepted my baby will come when they are ready. I kept myself occupied but kept a good balance of resting also. I accepted a sweep at 40 + 2 where my midwife informed me I was already 1cm dilated! I tried to not get my hopes up as I knew things could be days away from starting and she booked me in at 41 weeks for a second sweep in case this was not successful and I agreed to an induction at 41 +5 if nothing happened.

40 +4 at around 7.30 pm, I started to experience some very light cramping every 30 minutes or so. I knew this was it as I had not experienced this kind of feeling before. We tried to get an early night but although they were very manageable, I could not get much sleep. At around 2am they got slightly stronger, so I got into the bath which helped loads. The contractions were still quite manageable but I still used my up breathing and really got into the zone. I kept telling myself every contraction is a step closer to meeting our baby. These were the main points I took from the PBC which I believe really helped me through my labour.

Fast forward 16 hours and my contractions were still not coming regularly but were quite strong. I called MLU who told me what I already knew, that as they were not close enough together to be in established labour. They advised me to stay at home and take paracetamol and see my midwife on Monday (41 weeks) for my second sweep! Here I had a little wobble as I felt like I was struggling at this point. Following this my partner encouraged a walk, I reluctantly accepted and managed 20 yards down the street. Contractions then started a lot more regularly and hospital was imminent. At 7.30pm, we called MLU and told them we were heading in. Up breathing all the way to the hospital.

I was initially examined and to both the midwife and my surprise I was 7cm dilated! We were then taken to the labour room and I accepted gas and air and was told to expect to be 10cm dilated by 6am. With the help of gas and air, diamorphine and most importantly controlled up breathing, 6am arrived and as expected so did 10cm. This is were the confusion hour later with still no real progression, babies head was examined as low but with time ticking and motivation being tested I knew something wasn’t quite going to plan. A timely shift change over at 7.30am saw the sister of the ward take control and informed me that babies head was in the wrong position to be delivered in the labour room. At this point contractions had almost disappeared which instigated melt down number 2. I managed to calm myself with help from the midwife and my partner and the next phase was outlined to me.

After a quick, yet effective discussion with the midwife, to get back to regular contractions a transfer to the labour ward was advised, to be given a hormone drip and epidural which was deemed appropriate at this point. At 10am the epidural was administered and I was examined again, this time by the lead consultant. The outcome of this was baby was in a horizontal position meaning a transfer to theatre was required to turn the baby using forceps, failing this a C section would occur.

10:48 - after a successful forceps delivery our baby boy Henry safely arrived to a loving Mummy and Daddy weighing 6.5lbs.


Reflecting on my labour journey, even though things didn’t go quite to plan I truly believe The PBC assisted in early labour with the techniques advised in their digital pack. The up breathing was extremely helpful in getting to 7cm at home and maintaining control through each contraction. Although things didn’t quite go to plan, I had belief in the PBC and the effectiveness of managing my emotions.

I would highly recommend purchasing the digital pack to assist pregnancy, early labour and delivery.

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