Birth story - Carlie and baby Darcy

My surges started at 2.22am. Eager to not get too overly excited despite it feeling better than Christmas Day, I kept calm, timing each wave as they came and went. I didn’t want to wake my husband too soon so held on until 6am to tell him, by this time the surges came regularly every 4 minutes.

Around 12 they slowed down so we setup the house to get oxytocin flowing. Lavender diffuser, closed the blinds, twinkle lights and my favourite tv show new girl. Due to COVID19, I wasn’t able to have my sister as a second birthing partner, so was over the moon to see my mum and her in the garden with motivational signs and smiling faces from a distance.

The surges soon picked up pace so my husband ran me hot bath and began timing on the Freya app. We played the positive affirmations until I found the surges increase again. Scott called the hospital and we headed over at 6pm. I had packed my headphones and eye mask for the car journey so I could stay in the zone.


Arriving to find a suite available with a birthing pool made my day. The midwife checked me over to find I was 3cm dialled but well on my way so once again we set up the room to create the perfect birthing environment.


Scott massaged my back in between surges and I focused solely on my breathing & hypnobirthing techniques. My sister called to motivate me and I soon progressed to 8cms where I got into the pool for instant relief. I now had gas and air as the surges were intense and by 11pm I was feeling my surges change. The waves were wanting me to push, so my midwife, husband and the golden light of strength blasting on our speakers got me through.

Darcy came along underwater, calm, eyes wide open at 00.19 May 2nd. 22 hours in labour finished with the most perfect birth.


Thank you the Positive Birth Company.


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Birth story - Verity and baby Sadie


Birth story - Mum and baby girl