Birth story - Carla and baby Felix


After a traumatic induction story with my first baby, 3 years later the fear of round two was still as raw. I had an overstimulation/reaction to the pessery with my first labour which caused an horrendous start of 24 hours on hydration drip. I went on to have 3rd degree tear, natural delivery with episiotomy.

From the first appointment with my second baby, caesarean was given as the recommended route by midwives and doctors. It never felt like the right route for me but the risk for worse tearing was a real fear.

A friend recommended the positive birth company book, I had no previous understanding of hypnobirthing or even the actual science of labour, this was an absolute game changer from page one of the book. After reading it cover to cover, I decided I wanted to try natural labour again despite the risks due to my first birth.

As with my first baby due date came and went. 7 days over due and baby seeming big, the doctors were still advising c section as the safest option. However applying the theories in the book I came to a decision to have induction again, this was scary. Due to the hormone reaction last time I had to have dilapan rods induction using no hormones. The initial part of this option was painful but it absolutely worked.

Rods were inserted into my cervix at 5pm, I had mild contractions all night in the hospital ward but managed to sleep. At 5am doctors removed the rods to find I was successfully 4cm dilated. From here on the techniques in the book and using the Freya app all worked a treat.. My husband was allowed to join me at 8am, he was armed with a scented cloth, my favourite face mist, eye mask and jelly babies. We dimmed the lights and got in the zone with my playlist on. The main thing this helped me do was listen to my instinct, blocked out the background of doctors and monitors. My body was telling me to keep moving, I paced the room from 9am until 2pm completely wired up to monitors but I just insisted, I needed to be on my feet. The contractions were growing stronger at 2pm the midwives advised I was examined, to do so I laid on the bed and it all became clinical again, the contractions slowed and I started to struggle. I had a rest, looked my husband and midwife in the eyes and said I just have to stand up... I could feel the urge to be on my feet.

It worked! I listened to my body and used all the tools from the book and app. The pain was there but with breathing I could manage it. By 3pm I gave birth to Felix standing up in a tiny corner of the room with 3 midwives at the ready to catch him.


The active labour reduced any tearing so I had a much better recovery and outcome than my first labour.

Thank you for making my birth experience amazing!

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