Birth story - Bronte and baby Raine

I followed your book from the moment I found out I was pregnant and it helped me massively. I gave birth on the 8/10/2020 to a beautiful baby girl Raine Linda and it was the most powerful and wonderful experience that I had ever been through.

I started my birth at home, as planned. I got to 8cm dilated in 5 hours using breathing techniques and by transforming my home into a safe and secure place with the help of my birth partners. The midwives checked my cervix for a second time and realised my waters hadn’t fully broken and I had to be transferred to hospital. I had only gas and air and I felt in control and happy with that decision.


After arriving at the hospital, my waters were broken for me and it was noticed that baby had pooped so they had to to speed up my labour. They did a sweep, which I was happy with, it was a calm and controlled environment and my breathing got me through the next hour.

After an hour of surges and pushing the babies heart rate dropped so doctors came into the room to talk to me. They explained what was going to happen, I was fully with it and understood exactly, feeling in control of my own birth... they needed to use a ventouse and forceps to help my baby into the world. It felt like only a few moments later, after a few strong down breaths, she was in my arms.

The doctor quickly realised the cord had snapped and my baby had to be taken to a table for help. My beautiful girl had to be taken into the intensive care unit with Oxygen and constant monitoring, with an IV drip and a tube to clean out the poop that had got into her body whilst in the womb.

Three days later my beautiful girl had made a full recovery, been discharged from the ICU and was back home with me and my amazing Fiancé. My whole labour experience I wouldn’t change for the world, I felt empowered and in control of every scenario, although it wasn’t my ideal ‘plan’ I had prepared for any eventuality.

I cannot wait to do it all again, thank you for teaching me that my body knew how to birth and that there was nothing to be scared of.

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