Birth story - Brenda and baby Violetta


** use of the word contraction **

** nudity in pictures **

I knew I wanted a natural birth as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I just needed courage so I started researching. I found the Positive Birth Company while on Pinterest. I bought the digital pack at 26 weeks and listened to them slowly.

Birth story

I was officially on maternity leave at the beginning of February and had a full week planned for my baby moon. It was the first day into my baby moon and I was 39+3. I got a massage at midday and decided to go walk around the strip mall afterwards. I got home around 3pm and felt some cramping throughout the day. At 8:45 I started timing them because it was getting harder to ignore them. By 10:30 it said I was in established labor which I didn’t believe. By 11:30 I had my bloody show and lost my mucus plug. I told my mom I lost my mucus plug and she reassured me that this could only be the beginning so I mentally prepared myself for a long night/day and tried to get some rest. I continued to breath through my contractions and walk around my house, sitting down was no longer comfortable.

By 1:30 my water broke and I was so excited that things were moving along. By this point my mom saw that this really could be it and suggested I call the hospital. I hesitated because we live 40 minutes from the hospital and I didn’t want to be sent back, but called anyway. When the consulting nurse heard me have a contraction she said I could come in. This is where some of my panic kicked in, I had not finished packing everything for the hospital so my mum and I ran around trying to get the last minute things together while trying to breath through contractions.

We arrived at the hospital at 3 am and then transferred to triage to be examined. I got my IV for group b strep antibiotics and waited for the midwife to check my cervix. Once she checked she told me I was at 7cm!! I was so happy!! I would get to stay. I was then told that I could also get the water birth suite which was exactly what I wanted for my birth.


Once transferred to the water birth room I got right into the tub and began laboring. I asked for IV pain medicine to take the edge off as the contractions were beginning to get a little intense for me. This did nothing for me and asked for a second dose which I don’t think they gave to me because I was so close to pushing. I also asked if it was too late to get an epidural because it was really intense and I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore. The nurse said no because I was at a 10 and about to start pushing! I pushed for a total of 40 minutes and my baby girl was born at 6:04 am weighing 7lbs and 5.5 ounces.


Everything went by so quickly once I got into the tub that I didn’t even get a chance to use my positive birthing company tools like my essential oils, birth affirmation tens machine or birth plan. I barely managed to remind my mom to call my placenta encapsulator and the photographer for my fresh 48 pictures. We had a couple minutes of delayed cord clamping and I birthed my placenta once I was on the bed.

I definitely would not have been able to have a birth like I planned if it wasn’t for the positive birth company!


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