Birth story - Anna and baby Fearne

On my 2nd sweep I was 2-3cm dilated & I was in latent labour for 4 days with tightenings all through the day & night with no progression (this was so tiring & the Freya app helped so much to keep me as relaxed as possible)

On day 5 (Saturday 7th November) established labour started at 8pm, with 3 contractions in 10 mins all lasting longer than a minute the App counter told me was establish labour. I contacted the midwives and 1 arrived straight away with a 2nd following soon after that, at around 10pm. An examination showed I was 5cm when midwifes arrived. The pool was blown up and I started on gas & air.

I laboured all night & managed to get to 9cm by 7am. My waters were broken by the midwife to try & get the baby in a slightly better position as she was still laid slightly back to back & due to fatigue my contractions started to slow. I became too tired to push baby out as her position was making it too difficult and I had nothing left. The ambulance was called and I was blue lighted to hospital.

I had an epidural issued with a drip to try & dilate me fully & give baby a chance to get into a better position to deliver with forceps however baby got distressed and an emergency cesarean was our only option.


It is a shame I couldn’t deliver her at home but all the hospital staff were absolutely amazing and I was just happy the little one arrived safe and sound. I couldn’t have done it without my husband, the amazing midwives who came & went throughout the night & the positive birth company for the book /app & social media support, thank you x


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