Birth story - Anna and baby boy

I purchased the book at 34 weeks pregnant, I read it front to back in two days and it all made complete sense! My first labour, two years ago, was induced and resulted in forceps, an infection, a PPH needing 2 transfusions and a 5 day hospital stay. I felt unprepared and out of control throughout the whole thing but after reading the book I felt so different and excited about this labour, regardless of the evolving Covid-19 situation. I was desperate to experience a spontaneous labour but at 40+13 baby still hadn't made an appearance and I was booked to be induced. 

Following the UK being on lockdown the hospital's policy was now only 1 birthing partner during active labour. I arrived on the antenatal ward alone but the staff were so lovely and reassuring. An examination showed I was 3cm and only needed my waters breaking which was great, but I was then told there was a waiting list for this and they allowed women to go 40+16 over before having to break waters. It was frustrating after psyching myself up for things to happen but the new plan was daily CTG and to be on standby 24/7 to begin my induction at some point over the next 3 days. The midwife performed a sweep before sending me home and was hopeful things would start naturally. 

That night I had really infrequent cramps, I wondered if it was just that 'post sweep feeling' or the start of things.. but nothing had progressed by the morning. The next evening I had the same mild contractions except I noticed a pattern of 1 every 10 minutes, I didn't think much to it and went to bed. 

I woke up at 1.30am to a sudden contraction. They were roughly every 7 minutes but completely manageable. I left my husband asleep, went downstairs to be more mobile and used the Freya app to time them whilst practicing my up breathing. Around 2.45am the app told me I was in established labour, I couldn't really believe it as everything felt so calm. I realised I hadn't felt baby move since I'd woken up so I rang labour ward and they advised to come in and get checked. I woke my husband up and my mother in law came to watch our daughter. The contractions quickly increased to every 2-3 minutes lasting around a minute. I completely focussed on the app and my breathing, I also found it helpful to tap my finger with the counting when they were getting really intense. 

We arrived at the hospital just after 3.30am. The midwife said how calm I was being with my breathing and an examination showed I was 6cm! I needed continuous CTG monitoring as I was now 40+15, and I asked for gas and air at this point as I began to struggle to maintain my up breathing with the frequency of contractions.  Baby had a few decelerations on the monitor so we agreed to break my waters at 4.40am, I fully expected we'd have a fair few hours to go at this point. Maybe 5 minutes after this I had a wobble pain wise and asked for pethidine as it was too much (obviously transition looking back) but before the midwife had time to get it I physically felt baby move down the birth canal, such a strange feeling. I suddenly became aware I'd been on my back until now but knew I needed to be upright to deliver. I got on my knees over the bed and began involuntary pushing, I couldn't control it and my breathing changed to down breathing without even trying. I heard the midwife say baby had passed meconium, I'm a NICU nurse and for a second panicked that baby was stressed and could become really poorly from this. I quickly managed to refocus though by telling myself to trust my body and my baby. About 10 minutes later, at 5.01am, be was born weighing 9lb 5oz!!


I had another haemorrhage so we didn't get delayed cord clamping or immediate skin to skin but after he'd been checked my husband had cuddles whilst the amazing midwives sorted my stitches and bleeding, within the hour baby was having skin to skin and his first breastfeed. 

It all happened so fast we didn't even have time to unpack my bag of fairy lights and room spray etc. but at no point did I feel out of control. Every member of staff were amazing at supporting us, even more so with Covid-19. We were back home as a family by teatime and I'm still overwhelmed by how positive and empowering the whole experience was (and that I got my spontaneous labour)! I would recommend the book to everyone as it's so easy to get on board with at any level and really does offer you an amazing birth.

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