Birth story - Anika and baby twin girls
I wanted to post a quick positive twin birth story, especially as there’s often extra horror stories and added anxiety with twins births. To start with I was quite worried myself, however any worry that I started with was completely unfounded. I still feel as if the birth of my twins was a truly beautiful experience.
A cesarean was deemed safest and planned a week or two ahead of hitting 37 weeks (I would have been 37+4 if I had made the planned cesarean) but my twin girls had other ideas…
After a 4am wake-up call, six hours of labour and an unplanned cesarean later my birth still felt like the most incredible experience.
Despite last minute changes, my birth plan meant that I felt both mine and my husbands voice was heard at a time when communication was more difficult and the strategies learned in the hypnobirthing course helped immensely.
A big thank you to Siobhan for creating the online course and all the best to both singleton and multiple expectant parents out there, I’m excited for you all x

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