Birth story - Amy and baby boy


My positive birth experience during the corona virus pandemic and coping being 13 days over due...

I was already 40 weeks pregnant when I discovered the Positive Birth Company and I’m so glad I didn’t miss out! I had already had some private hypnobirthing classes so had been practicing my breathing and had chosen my favourite positive affirmations to repeat to myself, but once I discovered the Freya app it made everything much easier.

I was 13 days ‘overdue’ in the end when I delivered my baby so waiting in isolation during the current coronavirus pandemic was mentally draining. Every day I struggled as we had nothing to do to take our mind off waiting. Listening to the news each day built up anxiety too, just praying that I’d still be allowed my birth partner with me like we had planned and prepared for. My advice to anyone overdue would be to switch off the news, perhaps get your partner to update you if there are any major changes. Use the time to meditate; take long baths and try to relax.

Luckily I had downloaded the Freya app so I could listen to the meditation tapes and positive affirmations to keep me calm. Each day I would find the time to sit by myself and focus on me and the baby. Freya was a godsend already!

I was due to be induced on 08/04/20 at 2pm, however my baby must have known I was anxious about it so he decided to give me a break and to my delight, my contractions started naturally that morning. When I got to the hospital at 2pm they examined me and I was 3cm dilated. They sent us home for a bit to progress further and this is when I put on my headphones, listened to the app and tracked my contractions. We live 30 mins away from the hospital so it was a massive help to have something to concentrate on during the journey. We were only home for about an hour when my contractions grew stronger and closer together. I remained calm though and focused on my breathing.

When we arrived back at the hospital I was 6cm dilated and got straight into the birthing pool. I was in there for most of my 5 hours 30 mins first stage of labour, breathing through each contraction until they got more powerful. At this point I asked for some gas and air, but mainly used this to keep control of my breaths.

When I was ready to start pushing I didn’t make much progress to start with, so got out of the pool to empty my bladder, it was at this point that the urge to push got stronger and the gas and air wasn’t helping. I knew that I had to naturally try harder otherwise I would have been transferred off the midwife led unit onto the labour ward and some medical intervention would have been needed. As she wheeled the bed into the room to transfer me, the student midwife told her to wheel it back out as she could see the head. My brain and body kicked in and I gave it everything I had. It wasn’t the water birth I imagined I would have, but on the bed was where I felt most comfortable at that time, squeezing my husband’s hand as him and the incredible midwives supported me through it all. Shortly after, our beautiful baby boy was born. We didn’t know the gender so it was the most magical moment when my husband announced it to me 💙


When he was placed on my chest I felt that instant love but also I felt a massive sense of pride and couldn’t get over the fact that I had done it, I had got through it. I am the type of person who always doubts myself, yet in that moment I felt strong and powerful. I will never, ever doubt myself and my abilities again.

My experience lasted 7 hrs 30 mins in total and I am so pleased I did it all naturally. I did experience some minor tears so had some stitches, but when you have your baby in your arms, that procedure doesn’t phase you in the slightest. Perhaps I should have kept up with the perineum massage though 🙈

Thank you to the Positive Birth Company for supporting me through my last few days and hours of pregnancy- you’ll never realise just how much you helped me to achieve my birth wishes 💙

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