Birth centre - Kristina and baby Anaya


I read your book and watched your YouTube videos and downloaded Freya and I found them all so useful. I read the book twice when pregnant and have recommended it and will continue to recommend it to every pregnant woman I come across!! I gave birth to my daughter, Anaya, on the 19th March at St George’s hospital (my first baby). I was hoping for a water birth but sadly this couldn’t happen as the birth centre was closed due to a midwife shortage because of Coronavirus.

However, we set up our room on the delivery ward with our battery operated tea lights, put Freya on and I honestly had the most amazing birth using just gas and air and paracetamol. I’m ready to do it all over again, and next time I will be downloading your digital packs and am going to focus more on the down breathing as I found I did have to push and panicked quite a bit throughout this stage and kept saying I couldn’t do it.


It wasn’t only the birth you helped me with, through following you on Instagram and The Positive Birth Companies Instagram it has made me feel part of a little community that I never want to leave! Although my maternity leave and Anaya’s early days are definitely not as we had planned them (we were due to relocate to Devon to be nearer my parents but my partners job search has been temporarily put on hold due to no jobs being advertised!), I’m finding it so comforting to be a part of your little community and have watched your breast feeding workshops (which were so helpful!). Thank you again, for everything! 💓🙏🏼 xx

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