
Life-changing digital courses

When it comes to pregnancy, birth and parenting, knowledge is power. Having a positive experience impacts real life outcomes for you and your baby. So whoever you are, wherever you are in the world, our courses are for you. Access the very best, expert-led, award-winning pregnancy, birth and parenting education right now!

Over 1 million people have trusted in The Positive Birth Company, here's why:

As seen in….

Freya - The app people say they can’t birth without!

Included in Apple’s Top Paid Apps for 6 years in a row, Freya is the world's first hypnobirthing-friendly surge (contraction) timer and virtual birth partner. Available in 6 languages, Freya will coach you through each surge with a simple breathing technique and help you to relax in between with positive affirmations, calming visualisations and guided relaxations. Freya will also keep track of how frequently your surges are coming and how long they are lasting. Freya will even let you know when it might be a good idea to contact your midwife!

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