Pregnancy, birth & postnatal blog
From the beginning of your pregnancy all the way through from birth to the early years, we are here for you. We know that trying for a baby, planning for birth and navigating the early weeks and months with a baby can be as challenging as it is amazing. We are here to help. Here you’ll find a whole host of free, evidence-based advice and information from a range of qualified experts. They say it takes a village, and we are your (virtual) village.
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Pregnancy after miscarriage - a personal story
Please read with care, this is a personal story discussing baby loss.
Siobhan’s postnatal anxiety story
Siobhan shares her experience after the birth of her first baby, in the hope it raises awareness of how common it is to struggle mentally in the postnatal period.
What is postnatal anxiety and how can you find help?
There’s no denying that the fourth trimester is an emotional rollercoaster. Mothers and birthing people undergo the biggest change in hormones that they will ever have to go through and that commonly results in fluctuations in mood.