10 things you need to know about nutrition in pregnancy

Research shows nutrition has a big role to play in pregnancy outcomes. But there’s also a lot of weird and wacky advice around weight and food in the pregnancy space. Today I aim to clear some of that up by giving you my top 10 tips for nutrition in pregnancy. This advice is designed to help you feel more confident and empowered about pregnancy nutrition.

1. Don’t get too fixated on the weight gain guidelines in pregnancy 

In a society where a lot of emphasis is placed on appearance and body size, weight gain during pregnancy can be a sensitive subject. The “ideal” amount of weight to gain during pregnancy, remains up for debate. 

There are no formal, UK evidence-based guidelines on the appropriate weight gain during pregnancy. The US has some recommended weight gain ranges for each stage of pregnancy. But, these are not black and white and need further research. 

And look, it’s okay to have some gentle awareness of body weight gain. The key thing to emphasise is eating as well as you can in a way that works for you, and moving in a way that you can for your body. You can also have discussions around this with your midwife. It's important to trust that your body is gaining what it needs to gain for your pregnancy. Weight gain in pregnancy is normal and necessary, and your body knows what it’s doing

Too many healthcare providers judge weight gain as a representation of food and exercise habits. Women and birthing people can gain "appropriately" and still have poor nutrition. Likewise, some people may gain above or below the recommended limits and still have great lifestyle habits. Discussions about weight gain in pregnancy need to move beyond the scale.

My tip: prioritise nourishment and let your body do its thing. It knows best. Pregnancy shouldn't be about being at a specific weight. Rather, about making the safest home for a growing human. 

2. Let hunger guide the way 

There are plenty of guidelines out there about how much food a pregnant woman or birthing person should eat. 

Guidelines can be helpful but don’t forget - we’re not robots, so your body's needs will vary from day to day. One of the most accurate ways to know how much food your body needs, is to be guided by your own hunger cues. This goes for any stage of life, including pregnancy. 

3. Have some gentle structure around meals 

Does the above feel a little too far-fetched for you? If so, you could focus on implementing some gentle structure around your meals and snacks. If you’ve been dieting, following calories, meal plans or points to tell you how much to eat, you might feel a little out of touch with your body's natural hunger cues. Or maybe you just feel nauseous and out of sorts. Here, implementing some structure can be especially helpful. 

My tip: Aim for 3 meals and 2-3 snacks throughout the day. Regular eating can also help with nausea. A nutrition professional can help support you in finding a pattern that works best for you. 

4. Your pregnant body needs carbs 

Carb-phobia is rampant. We can end up feeling guilt and shame for eating more carbs than usual during pregnancy. Maybe even think we are causing our babies harm. This leaves us in a tough position if carbohydrates are the only thing we can stomach. 

Carbohydrates are an important component of the diet during pregnancy. It's recommended that they represent between 45% and 60% of the calories eaten in pregnancy. This is the same for a healthy diet in the adult population. So don’t feel bad for eating them! 

My tip: Aim to include a source of carbohydrates in each of your meals and snacks, most of the time. Examples include bread, potatoes, breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, corn, maize, millet and oats.

5. Consider taking a pregnancy multivitamin 

Micronutrient deficiencies in pregnancy can result in some issues. Like pre-eclampsia, preterm deliveries, neural tube defects, as well as low birth weight babies. 

For this reason, it’s generally recommended to take a pregnancy multivitamin. Folic acid and vitamin D, are two important nutrients that have the most evidence for supplementation. 

6. Including dates in the 3rd trimester may speed up labour 

Some research suggests that eating dates in the 3rd trimester may help induce, or speed up labour. Research shows that dates may affect oxytocin receptors. They can make uterine muscles respond better to oxytocin. This can result in more effective uterine contractions. Around 7-10 dates per day from the 37th week is the amount that has been studied. This is thus, recommended for those who do not have contraindications*. 

*Note: dates may not be appropriate if you have conditions like gestational diabetes. It’s important to check with your midwife before eating this number of dates. 

7. Oily fish is good for a baby’s brain development 

Oily fish is the best source of omega 3’s. This is a type of fat that can help with the optimal growth and brain and nervous system development of the foetus. 

Fish that are high in Omega and low in mercury include salmon, pollock, herring, sardines, cod, and mackerel (not king mackerel). Too much mercury (often found in fish) can be harmful in pregnancy. It’s recommended to aim for two portions (140g is a serving) of fish a week, one of which is oily. 

Other sources of Omega 3 include chia seeds, ground linseed, hemp seeds and walnuts, and rapeseed oil. These aren’t as well absorbed as fish. 

If you don’t eat fish you can chat with your healthcare provider about an omega-3 supplement. It’s also included in some pregnancy multivitamins. 

8. Including enough fibre and fluid can help prevent constipation 

Eating plenty of fibre-rich foods during pregnancy can help prevent constipation, as well as reduce risks of preeclampsia risk. Opting for wholegrain options of grains like bread and pasta, eating legumes such as lentils or baked beans, and getting your 5-a-day can all help up your fibre intake. 

Another tip for preventing constipation is to make sure you drink enough fluids. You want your pee to be a light yellow so if it’s looking a little dark, try to increase your water intake. 

9. Food safety is extra important during pregnancy 

Your unborn baby is more vulnerable to certain food-borne bacteria than you are. The NHS has a great resource on this that you can read here.

10. Your relationship with food is just as (if not more) important as what you eat 

Research shows disordered eating can affect around 30% of pregnant women. Research shows that approximately 7.5% of women at their first ultrasound were suffering from a diagnosable eating disorder. And it’s often not picked up. 

If you find you are: 

● frequently dieting (pursuing weight loss) 

● have anxiety associated with food, or eating 

● have feelings of guilt or shame associated with your eating 

● are preoccupied with your weight, shape and body image and it negatively impacts your quality of life 

● feel a loss of control around food 

● feel you need to use exercise to compensate for food eaten… 

…you may be displaying some signs of difficulties with food. If this is the case, and/or if you have a current or past eating disorder, it’s important that you make your healthcare team aware. 

You can reach out to an eating disorder specialist or mental health professional for support. It’s also a good idea to check in on yourself regularly. Have an awareness of the symptoms of your eating disorder and potential triggers, both during pregnancy and after the birth of your baby.

Final thoughts…

The key thing in pregnancy nutrition is adequacy. Making sure you’re eating enough and (when you feel up to it), a wide variety of foods. This is so you’re getting all the nutrients you need to look after yourself and your growing baby! 

I run an online nutrition practice. We offer 1:1 nutrition support, to help you navigate pregnancy nutrition with confidence. We can help you with personalised nutrition and pregnancy recommendations, all whilst encouraging a healthy relationship with food. If you are interested to know more about what support looks like, you can book a free 20-minute discovery call today via the website. 

By Katherine Kimber, Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, and Mum to be. For 1:1 nutrition support and personalised nutrition recommendations, you can contact Kat, via www.nudenutritionrd.com and on Instagram @nudenutritionrd

Katherine Kimber

Katherine is a Registered Dietitian and Founder of Nude Nutrition on a mission to help people to find food happiness!


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