Live hypnobirthing group classes

Interactive group classes from the comfort of your own home for just £285.

Upcoming classes

October group classes - £285

Day: Monday evenings, every week

Dates: 30th September, 7th, 14th & 21st October 2024.

Time: 7pm - 9:45pm (GMT)

About the course

Our group hypnobirthing classes are held on Zoom. Each course is run over 4 evenings (once per week) between 7pm and 9.45pm. The classes are fully comprehensive antenatal courses, so you don’t need to attend any others unless you wish to. You’ll learn alongside your small group and can ask questions at any point. You will be able to see, hear and interact with each other and your teacher (you do have the option to mute your mic!). You can attend alone, or with your birth partner, it’s entirely up to you.

What will you learn?

10 hours of live learning covering:

  • The science behind hypnobirthing

  • The physiology of birth, how the uterus muscles work, the hormones produced

  • Game changing relaxation techniques

  • Information of interventions including induction and cesarean birth

  • How to make all births a positive experience

  • The stages of labour in detail, including the third stage so you're fully informed about the benefits of skin-to-skin, delayed cord clamping and what active management means and why you might opt for it

  • Access to further online resources including infant feeding, infant sleep, baby first aid and much more

What’s included?

  • Two spaces (you and a birth partner) on a Live Group course with a qualified Hypnobirthing teacher

  • Course notes booklet

  • Set of relaxation audios

  • An award-winning, amazing private community on Facebook

  • Birth preferences template

  • Small class sizes so you are able to easily engage and ask personalised questions

On-demand videos

  • Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga

  • Newborn feeding

  • Baby sleep

  • Parental mental health

  • Baby first aid

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to the whole team for making the weekends course both run and be so utterly informative. The sessions by both May and Hannah were packed full of information and both taught with such passion and care. I really felt like we were being looked after and encouraged. It is the first time in my pregnancy I have felt empowered and as if “I have got this”. The last few weeks have been challenging for all but with our impending arrival the thought of giving birth seemed an impossible task. I now feel like whatever the situation I am able to do and understand how to as well.
— Georgina & James

Class Testimonials

This weekend has been so inspiring and empowering. So grateful for it!
— Andrea
My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend course, it was packed full of useful info that we are excited to start practicing and put to good use. I never thought I’d be excited about the prospect of labour, but I really am looking forward to it after this weekend.
— Claudia & James
We are in love with the course. It’s so informative and so great to have it so detailed.  We are looking forward to practice, practice and practice and to prepare ourselves as much as we can to face whatever the future holds. Thank you so much!
— Expectant couple