Positive Birth Stories
Read real, positive birth stories from our community. From inductions, C-sections, twin births, vbac, homebirths, water birth, elective c-sections, second time mum births and more there’s hundred’s of birth stories for you to read. Looking for a particular kind of birth story? You can use our search bar or filter below to find it. If you would like to submit your own birth story, please do so here.
Birth type
- Birth Centre
- Group B Strep
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- Second Time Mum
- breech
- fifth time mum
- first time mum
- fourth time mum
- gentle cesarean
- gestational diabetes
- home birth
- hospital birth
- induction
- midwife led unit
- natural twin birth
- obstetric cholestasis
- planned cesarean
- pre-eclampsia
- second time mum
- third time mum
- twin pregnancy
- unplanned cesarean
- vaginal birth
- water birth
Laura’s Positive HBAC - Homebirth After Caesarean At 42 Weeks
Laura used the hypnobirthing she learned to have a positive home birth after a previous unplanned caesarean. Laura was 42 weeks & active labour was 4.5 hours!