
I was really hoping to avoid an induction as with my first it all got very intense as soon as my waters were broken and ended up with an epidural and forceps.

I was determined to have a natural birth with no intervention with our second and I was feeling so anxious with the possibility of being induced again!

After having regular growth scans, the consultant wanted to induce me at 39weeks due to the baby fluctuating between 70th and 90th percentile on the growth scans and also due to my age! (40!) but I declined and said I wanted to go as far as they would allow me to go, which for GD pregnancies was 41 weeks but the consultant insisted that I be induced on my due date so, to my disappointment, I caved and agreed to be induced on my due date and go into hospital for regular monitoring from 39 weeks.

On Saturday 9th I went to be monitored and was delighted to find that I was already 3cm dilated 😬 I agreed to a stretch and sweep to hopefully get things going. Also very pleased that my induction was cancelled at this stage! Saturday, Sunday and Monday (my due date) came and went and still nothing! Although I lost my mucus plug on Sunday so was feeling very positive 😬

Went back on Tuesday to be monitored. I was suppose to have my waters broken but declined as I wanted every opportunity for labour to happen naturally.

Unfortunately still nothing and Wednesday and Thursday came and went. I was feeling extremely disheartened that still nothing has happened!

I was quite fed up at this stage! So agreed to go back to the hospital on Friday to have my waters broken.

After a long wait my waters were broken at 6pm on Friday 15th (40+4) and already everything was very different from my first labour. My waters didn’t gush like it did first time round, instead it just trickled with every step I took whilst pacing 😬

My surges started around 7pm and were quite mild. I used a tens machine as well as the Freya app, which were both AMAZING! The count down really helped and Siobhan’s soothing voice in between really helped to keep me focused and calm between surges.

By 7.45 my surges had really ramped up but still very manageable using the up breathing and listening to the MP3s.

At this stage I couldn’t find a comfortable position and stayed on my feet pretty much the entire time.

By 8.15pm the only place that felt comfortable was the toilet! I was on and off the toilet for about half an hour!

By this point, I totally lost focus and screamed for an epidural and begged my husband to get me one 😂 I then had to switch rooms as I was temporarily placed in a Midwife Led room! I now realise that I was going through the transition and I said that I couldn’t do this anymore! I also noticed myself mooing!

The anaesthetist finally showed up and inserted the cannula! In which I then had the urge to push!

It was only then that I decided to use the gas and air (I didn’t use it earlier as I hated it with my first!) but wow, wish I had used it earlier now and it really took the edge off!

The midwives were brilliant and just allowed me to let my body do what it needed to do. Within 2 pushes our beautiful baby boy was born 😍

It all happened so quickly and I finally had the birth that I had always wanted. I can’t thank Siobhan and all you lovely ladies for sharing your stories.

I can honestly say that I could do it all over again 😬


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