Birth story - Vicky and baby Alfie
I wanted to share my positive birth story with you as I am convinced it was down to reading all the amazing story’s you share and thinking, if they can do it I can do it! I also watched the YouTube videos religiously and when I was in labour used the Freya app which was really helpful and helped me stay in my hypnobirthing mindset.
There’s not really much to say other than my waters broke at home, I started contractions 4 hours later, I used the Freya app and practiced hypnobirthing, they were never too much and I’m not sure why but I never reached 3 in 10! After only 4 hours of active labour we went to the birth centre (Cotswold Birth Centre, they are amazing!) I didn’t know it at the time but I was in transition in the car! Every time I had a surge I just hit the button and did my breathing. Don’t get me wrong at this stage it was so intense I needed help to stay on track and not become afraid!
When we got there I was 9 cm, unbelievable that I had gotten so dilated just at home, at this point I did ask for pain relief I won’t lie but then I got in the pool and forgot that I’d asked so I pushed my son out in the pool after only 6 hours of active labour and no pain relief.
I was extremely lucky, my son was in the right position and I had the incredible support of my partner and doula and mother in law. But I’m also convinced that practising hypnobirthing writing and reading positive birth affirmations and reading all the positive birth story’s you share, as well as the videos you upload on why we shouldn’t be afraid of labour (and why labour is like doing a big poo!)is why I had such an incredible quick and euphoric labour.
I wish I could have the day my son was born back to relive that feeling over and over again, it was magic and I’ve never felt so powerful. My son is beautiful.
Thankyou for your Instagram account and the services you provide. I hope more women access these services to have the birth they want and feel relaxed and powerful about their births too!

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