Birth story - Tolu and baby Asaiah
I had a very straightforward pregnancy however, my fears about birth were heightened due to being a black woman and the maternal outcome statistics in the UK. I was encouraged, by other mums I knew, to try a hypnobirthing course by PBC. My husband and I spent the last few weeks working through the course, doing perineal massages and forming a birth plan together. Following a tip of the finger sweep on Wednesday 19th April at 40+1, I gave birth to my son at 7:13am at 40+3.
At 40+2 (my 30th birthday!) I started the day with a long walk, determined to kick start labour. I also did the Miles Circuit at around 5pm and began having mild surges following that. Around 8pm I went to dinner for my birthday and surges were coming frequently and growing in intensity. Laboured at home and started to track using the Freya app. I had a warm bath, played some spa music and lit some candles and realised this was it - my contractions began coming quickly and I lost my mucus plus over the toilet. I strapped on my TENS machine and we headed to the birth centre via car. It was a 25 minute journey and I put on a sleep mask to stay in the zone. We arrived at the birthing centre at 2:16am to be told I was only 2cm dilated but they agreed my contractions were coming fast so didn’t send me home.
Contractions continued and I started gas and air and was given a shot of Pethidine. At 6:18am, 4 hours after my first examination - a student midwife performed a VE and said I was 9cm and I started getting the urge to push. Between contractions I jumped into the birthing pool at 6:30am and started pushing for what felt like no time at all. I was so surprised at how natural it all felt - my body knew when to push and did it all for me. I wasn’t coached to push at all! My baby boy arrived less than 45 minutes later at 7:13am.
I passed my placenta and was told I was completely intact with no tears or stitches needed!
It was the most magical experience with the support of my husband, who was an incredible birth partner, and my amazing midwife. It couldn’t have gone any better and when they put him in my arms it was the best feeling in the entire world!

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