Birth story - Tea and baby

My first delivery was in hospital after an induction with drip and was very quick, involving epidural and episiotomy. 21 months later and second time around I wanted to feel calmer and more in control. A friend recommended the PBC's online hypnobirthing course.

Given the quick delivery of our first (just over 3 hours start to finish) we were recommended to meet with the home birth team. At first I thought "no way!", but I duly obliged and became increasingly compelled by the idea. The more I undertook the hypnobirthing course, the more confident I became that labour didn't have to be in hospital, and that it was something I could be in control of. I approached the labour thinking I would take it as far as possible at home and stay there if I could, remaining open minded if I felt I needed to move to hospital.

At 40+3 I was offered and accepted a sweep, hoping things might progress this time without the need for an induction. Another sweep was due at 40+6 but at 3.30am that morning my waters broke as I turned over in bed. Within 20 minutes my contractions were coming every three minutes and rapidly increasing in intensity. My husband rang the home birth team who arrived around 4.30am. I managed my contractions through up breathing and when I was examined just before 5am I was 9cm dilated!

I was largely left alone as I was in the zone doing my up breathing with the help of my husband who kept me on track and at 6am I shifted to down breathing as I could feel the need to push.

Baby was delivered in the squatting position at 6.42am, powered by breathing and a bag of jelly babies!


The online course gave me the mindset and the confidence to approach labour in a positive way, I was even looking forward to it. I can honestly say it was a wonderful experience and I can't thank Siobhan (or Katie Rothwell!) enough.


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